Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Zopiclone Overdose Feel Like?

Saui Heinz Schenk in 8

Women Preference To Men With Privates Shaved

Conny in Earl Gray 10 +

Southland Leisure Center Youth Night

configuring gear bag is ... or the diary of Jeffrey Dahmer

... especially when there are four trains in 10 sauschwer meters height is. They arrived as often such lousy handles, until the skin opens. Over and over again. The Cuts are so deep that you can see the inside of the fingers (sometimes comes through the bone and rub the handles around ). Perhaps they are no longer as sharp. I give the handles have names: the One is the stamp, then Gibts the knife and the penny. Last but not least come the Sauzange and fucking Batscher . The triffts quite good. My yesterday's final attempt would have under the working title " fucking butcher " can run. The blood spurted fountains of detention in the fingers. Now, my serious concern that the skin regenerates not until Saturday. But I miss my beloved handles.