Tuesday, March 23, 2010

What Are The Names Of Different Types Of Brownies


"The also as brothel known Aalkorber walls at Nankendorf in the upper Wiesenttal are among the most popular walls of the Frankish Jura. Your sunny orientation, good security and the friendly ambience at the base of the wall say it all. Now is this climbing destination on the brink of !
not rare plants, a Uhubrut or other conservation reasons could result in a ban here. No, it is the climbing species itself, which makes this beautiful area of \u200b\u200ban end. Recently, at the base of the wall climbing can be propagated their rubbish. Becoming obvious, so much that the property owner has lost his patience. The next wrongdoing in this direction that has insured the property fence and to prohibit climbing there "(see: Koenig, Sven; Frankenjura com.)

last night I read these lines. , my good mood at first transformed into a mixture of anger and sadness . Certainly, this sentiment is not directed against the property owners. I still have it be very pleasant and communicative people in mind. Rather, it was directed against those with whom I share a passion to climb. How can there only so far, so dull that climbers and leave their rubbish on the rocks? I can not understand it. I watch the increasing littering the rocks for several years and must admit that it is getting worse from year to year. Sometimes I feel like the disposer my so-called "sports fans" when my climbing pack on the way back to some serious has become. I know many other climbers who practice it as well take the trash of others. So it can not go ! Here a discourse ago. A discussion under the heading climbing ethics. Certainly it is important to know whether someone has a route with three hooks vorgeklippt committed or not. But it is as much about climbing ethics , how to behave on the rock . How to behave in nature , learn a corner. I want to be at this point very clearly. This problem is in LIABLE way to Alkorber walls. Ten years ago it was still not so bad. On the walls of the popular Kletteter growing. One meets Tape remains , Chalkverpackungen , cigarette butts and feces five meters next to the entrance of a route. In addition, one encounters non-resident climbers who come along and think: "I am on vacation for climbers and everything has been waiting for me to clear the stupid crap off my local farmers already." Such a setting is long or short term lead to that limit, the scope of our freedom in Climbing more and more. I would not put up with me because das Klettern für mich und viele meiner bekannten und Freunde Lebensinhalt ist. Für mich sind die Felsen an denen ich klettere wie eine Heimeit . Und die lasse ich mir nicht nehmen. Schließen möchte ich mit einem Satz eines Freundes: "Der größte Feind des Kletterers ist der Kletterer."


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