Oh, how beautiful it is after 4 months rope climbing - visit the beautiful South of France abstinence to look at what makes the stamina Sun Na nix of course ....
But as tradition so will (since Easter 1991 HERE to France to climb) we go again with a comfortable troop gene south. This time it should be the Gorges du Loup . The considerable number 60 tours in the sector Devers 7c lured us up a bit. Soon we also knew that would take in 15 trains climbing our forearms considerable extent our road led into the huge cave. We were somewhat disappointed, as many of the best lines were not climbing is because the sintered-like stream water headed down. Die spektakulären Kracher " KinematiX " 9a , "Punkt X" 9a und " Abbys " 9a glichen zwar einem Wasserfall aber bestachen dennoch doch ihre charakteristischen Sinterfahnen, die sich schier endlos nach oben schlängelten um im Nichts zu enden.
Auch wenn die richtig langen Sachen für uns nicht möglich waren, so fanden wir unsere Projekte, die uns ordentlich den Saft aus den Armen zogen. Einige E ingewöhnungstage brauchten wir schon, um endlich mal einen roten Punkt schreiben zu können. Es war schon lustig. 10 Meter gingen total locker und dann gabs garnix mehr. An den dicksten I'm handles rotted. But it was uphill . Connie was able to use the commission of Super Mekanik "8a and some other routes up to 7c a successful S tart in the climbing saisson happy and I was happy when I last More Day " New power generation " could hollow 8b. There were as always very nice day on I think back wistfully, if I just back in the cold D erm sit and liebäugele with Boulder mats.
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