Monday, February 28, 2011

Activer Windowblinds 6

We make the bag to ...

... and hope that we can go out from next weekend again with rope and Co.. Matching plans we have already forged. This past weekend was for us the perfect end to a wonderful Bouldersaisson with great people and good inspections. Sun Connie was at 26.03. with Sea of Green 8a their heaviest Boulder climb. All four times we were there until she held the handle end in his hands. Sea of Green first characterized by extremely body voltage-dependent movement patterns off, then the second part with a Minnisteller come up on the right. Even the last train was again exciting.
All in all a very nice Boulder in super rock and good looks. In between, we could close at hand nor the fine Traverse " open the time " pick 8a. Here is "simplicity" is announced. First they traversed Sun then then a span dependent Crux need to cope. Then it dissolves well. Yesterday we had the honor of acquaintance with the classic "gift is The Money Pit "7c close + to be allowed. An ingenious shield that can be overcome by very pleasant Monos . I respect the Monos no longer as enjoyable as Conny . I had on Saturday at the" Sharp End "on the left middle finger pulled a bad cakes. So I had as to struggle with the pain than with the phase-meters. The photos are from the bouldering Sea of \u200b\u200bgreen, and triggers and were made by Julian Söhnlein. Thank you Julian!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Connecting A Hps Globe

attempt to rescue the Polytechnic School

ÖVP: middle school until the age of 15?

ÖVP education spokesman is pushing for regulation of the intermediate examination. Before that would define the Smith Middle School: "Away from the headlines". (Reported by 02/25/2011)

My comment: apparently wants to save the ÖVP Polytechnic School. When then do the other students their "middle school"? Probably not.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Swedish Clogs For Women

News from the community

vacancy TVB

The Tourism Ramingstein writes a post als MitarbeiterIn aus.  Hier weiterlesen:  Stellenausschreibung TVB

Mein Kommentar: leider ist das Anforderungsprofil wenig attraktiv, jedenfalls muss man sich bis Freitag 25.2. um 12 Uhr bewerben – die Bewerbungsfrist scheint sehr kurz zu sein!

Models From Evan Williams

Surprisingly death

image Otmar Köchel ist am Sonntag überraschend, im 56.Lebensjahr, gestorben. Am letzten Donnerstag ist er noch beim Friseur Wallner neben mir gesessen. Meine Anteilnahme gilt besonders seinen Kindern. Das Begräbnis ist am Freitag um 14 Uhr.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Negative Control Respirometer

gasoline is more expensive!

partly because of the crisis in Libya!

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Hülloch locked

service last Friday on Hülloch a bold sign: the entrance and climb the owner is strictly prohibited.!

As the owner, understandably, problems with the insurance on the property (on which there is also the Hülloch ) sees it, he has now put a stop to the doings. The problem came once before to four months ago, said it was possible to agree in so far that the DAV National Association Thuringia appropriate insurance for the property closes. This all would have been helped. To this extent I would hope not, that it is the that the DAV is not in this form has become active . That would be tantamount to me with the Statement that the DAV his climbers do not care!
I very much hope that this failure may be ironed out. It would be a shame if our little climbing and Boulder Eldorado such sloppiness would fall victim.
I am very angry!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Chip Out Of Province Inspection Calgary

In consideration of Schiller's skull

Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
In the grim charnel house that's where I gazed, as adapted
skull skulls arranged.
the old days I thought that graying.
They stare clamped in a row, which would otherwise be hated
tame and hardy bones, fought deadly
they lying crosswise, all to rest here. Disjointed
shoulder blades! What they wore, no one asks
more active and graceful limbs,
the hand, foot distracted from life apart.
sleeping lay down your weary so vain.
not rest in the grave was left to you; distributed.
Are you up to the light of day again
and no one can love dry skin,
how fine a kernel once concealing. But I was adept
wrote the script,
the sacred meaning not revealed any.

When I invaluable amid a rigid figure,
glorious saw an apparition,
that in the space Moderkält and narrow,
I refreshed free and heat-feeling me
as if a source of life entspränge death
What delighted me mysterious form !
The God intended track, get it!
A look that entranced me to the sea, that
flutend flows increased figures.
secret vessel! Oracles giving.
How am I worth to hold you in my hand?
you treasure most from modernization and devoutly religious
steal in the open air, to open your senses,
to sunlight hin mich wendend.
Was kann der Mensch im Leben mehr gewinnen,
als dass sich Gott-Natur ihm offenbare ?
Wie sie das Feste lässt zu Geist verrinnen,
Wie sie das Geisterzeugte fest bewahre.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Burst Blood Vessels In Glans

This is more extended than justice

After graduating from high school to the general and the vocational secondary schools (AHS and BHS) is also carried out the Berufsreifeprüfung central part of the future. Written, general education part is to take place in 2016 over Austria in a single day, in the subjects German and mathematics as well as a modern foreign language are the tasks ident The amendment to the Berufsreifeprüfung law was on 15 February on the agenda of the Council of Ministers, it was said in a press release the Ministry of Education.

Note: ... and there will be a major challenge for the preparatory courses are

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Pater Noster

Pater noster, qui es in caelis.
Sanctificetur nomen tuum.
Adveniat regnum tuum.
Fiat voluntas tua,
Sicut in caelo, et in terra.
Panem nostrum cotidianum da nobis hodie.
Et dimitte nobis debita nostra,
Sicut et nos dimittimus debitoribus nostris.
Et ne nos inducas in tentationem,
Sed libera nos a malo.

+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ + + +

Our Father in heaven. Hallowed
be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done,
as it is in heaven and on earth.
our daily bread give us today
and forgive us our debts,
as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory, for ever

How Many Units Is It Cactus Jack

It hurts

It Hurts

shut himself in the bathroom -
to sink to the bottom and let
the tears flow;
without a sound to emit,
because you could just heard or seen.
For it must be strong after all!

It Hurts

His soul can not liberate;
of all my sorrow - all 'suffering. Not
can scream -
to stifle almost all 'the pain
of one of both exterior and interior of the soul beyond.
to talk to anyone -
for fear it might be twisted.
for fear it might not be understood.
for fear it might Enem are not believed.

It Hurts

defend themselves can not.
More and must be strong everywhere.
to laugh - even though you would rather weep. To fight
- although gradually the power is low.
to mention - although it would prefer to scream.


Thursday, February 17, 2011

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ORF news amaze

About the last message actually amazed no one.

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Respiration Rate For Mammals

tribute to Peter Alexander

Peter Alexander * 30 June 1926 (Vienna) + 12 Feb. 2011 (Vienna)

A great entertainer, actor and singer has the boards, which means not only have him for the world to leave for good. The final curtain has fallen for him and we - are Puplikum - will keep him forever and forever in our hearts!

Thank you - Peter Alexander - You were charming, and if we go apart - there is a reunion.

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Thanks to the success

"Truth is the most sublime - drum's can not tell everyone on the nose"

. Johann NESTROY

Theater in St. Margaret - FREE 'by Johann Nestroy - a big crowd - sold-out performances - save cards - only a few dates!

16, 17 and 24 February, and 3, 5 and 12 March 2010 - Ticket reservation on tel: 0664/5633915

information is available at:

Random Bald Spots On My Horse

war, the war

Kurt Tucholsky
you were four years in the trenches.
time, big time!
frozen and you were crawling and have
home a wife and two little boys,
Far, very far!

And no, to them the truth says.
And no one dares to rebel.
month after month, year after year - a time when
and was on leave, he saw
to house the big bellies.
And it ate there around barking like a plague
the dance, the greed and profiteering
and the Pan-German scribblers Horde:

war! War!
Great Victory!
victory in Albania and victory in Flanders!
and the others died,
the others,
the others.

They saw their comrades fall.
That was the fate of almost everyone.
injury, pain and death like an animal.
A small spot, dirty red.
It carried them away and scraping it on.
Who will be next?

And a cry of millions rose up at the stars.
Will we never learn man?
Is there a thing about it worth it?
And who's that, perched up there,
from top to bottom studded with medals
and only accessible commands: Morden! Murder!

blood, crushed bone, dirt - and then it was suddenly
, the ship was leaking.
The captain has taken the leave.
If something suddenly swam away.
are perplexed because the field of horror.
For whom all this? Pro patria?

brothers! Brothers! Close the ranks!
Brothers! This must never be again!
Give us the destruction of peace,
is the same fate fated
our sons and grandsons euern. If the blood red
sprinkle again,
the field ditches, the green grass?
brothers! Whistles the boy was!

It can and should continue to not go on.
We have all - all seen
Where will such madness.
burned The fire that fueled it.
it extinguishes! The imperialists,
that nest over there in those
give us back nationalists.
And again after twenty years,
new guns come down!

That would be no peace. That would be madness!
The old dance on the old volcano.
"Thou shalt not kill!" has a say.
And mankind and humanity
hear complains. Will the
never be any different?

War against war!

And peace on earth.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Acrostic Poem For Chicken

unpleasant news from the Islamic world

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Sew A Covered Belt Buckle

masked ball at the village inn Bräu


Can You Shower After Face Waxing

image of Father Paul

Digital StillCamera

This image of Father Paul, showing the Thomatal priest with the "Sensenklemperer" hangs in my vestibule.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Bayliner With L Drive Motor

smoked beef

Lovely delicacy at the village inn Bräu

Friday, February 11, 2011

Casino Night Center Pieces Ideas

Now it is in Algeria on

In the shadow of the events in Tunis and Cairo is also Algeria's anger against the authoritarian rule of President Abdelaziz Bouteflika in the past weeks more and more swollen. For weeks there in the North African country almost daily strikes.

more original contribution of the ORF: police march in front of mass protests in Algiers

My comment: the whole situation is very dangerous, and an indication that a proper functioning of the politicians is absolutely necessary. In the Internet age have no cover up scandals. In any case, the courageous commitment of the population in Tunisia and Egypt to admire.

Buying A Seating Chart For A Wedding

action Murtalbahn-JA launched

reported that the Murtalbahn threatened by the austerity package the setting. How to learn from the Styrian Government, will be present for the beginning of March this year the budget. Through the rigorous reduction of about 25% in all positions Murtalbahn will no longer have to take place. Thus, the regional and local transport would be affected across countries difficult. The creation of a bipartisan campaign platform is my part in preparation. The enormous number of feedback via phone and mail proves the relevance of the topic, especially in the two districts and Lungau Murau. It is strongly not only preservation but also the modernization of the plant called. After all, there is an annual ridership of 600,000. Now the Facebook page Murtalbahn-JA has been posted. The Murtalbahn binds also to our regions to trains of ÖBB in Unzmarkt. Hence this mode of transport for commuters and students in Graz and Vienna, is important.

What do you think?
With best wishes from the spring-like Lungau! writes 0664/3107533

Biology Lab Online Answers

Leben-Chairman thanks for the donation of the proceeds Ramingstein Advent thoughts

The chairman of the life support Lungau::


from the newspaper, I found out that your "Ramingstein" a generous donation made to the life support have. For this purpose I would like to thank most sincerely on behalf of the Association and ask that you also to pass on all Vera word Lichen.
Thanks again and best regards.

umpire Andreas Zanner

are € 955, - come together!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Digital Playground Megaploud

Reinhard Mey - Solo

He penetrated into my soul, God knows how he met me.
The mockery of the good children, I was the black sheep.
the schoolyard, fighting the tears, I stood mute, was
the contents of my knapsack scattered around me. How
wishes' I when collecting a helping hand;
a smile, a comfort and there was none that was found.
I had no friends and bad grades, is quite true
and unfashionable clothes - and unruly hair.

alone - we are alone!
We come and we go alone.
We may have loved so much, be surrounded by affection.
The cross roads of life we always go alone.
alone - we are alone!
We come and we go alone.

We were all united in the great hall.
We had big plans and a great ideal.
I was the naughtiest and the loudest and had guts, I knew our
Strength was our unity.
But many who spoke very common thing, but it only went
his own little thing to
and as a hero after another crept to the side stood a
in the rain and the one who I was.

alone - we are alone!
We come and we go alone.
We may have loved so much, be surrounded by affection.
The cross roads of life we \u200b\u200balways go alone.
alone - we are alone!
We come and we go alone.

And another glass of champagne and she shook hands
and everyone was kind to me, were all charming.
And many have me on the Shoulder knock, but it seems to me there has hardly
Some are rather meant as me with it.
The words were loud and they gave no sense that
crowd closer and closer and I was standing right in the middle
and felt like an insect trapped in the sand.
The more it crawls - the further advances of the crater rim.

alone - we are alone!
We come and we go alone.
We may have loved so much, be surrounded by affection.
The cross roads of life we always go alone.
alone - we are alone!
We come and we go alone.

now - a part of my life is behind me in the light.
flood of love and lined of confidence. In
heights and depths - to many a winding path, I found
good companions and I found good advice
But the more expensive the companion, the more bitter the end.
I have to take the final step of the way alone.
How much we also cling to each other - we can only
the same empty bench on a cold empty hall.

alone - we are alone!
We come and we go alone.
We may have loved so much, be surrounded by affection.
The cross roads of life we always go alone.
alone - we are alone!
We come and we go alone.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Collapsible Walking Canes

Rhenish legends: As its name Kloster Eberbach came

The emergence of the monastery dates back to an initiative of the Archbishop Adalbert I of Mainz, who had founded the so-called Kisselbachtal already in 1116 an Augustinian monastery. Already 15 years later it was abandoned by the resident canons again and Archbishop Adalbert transferred the buildings and lands of the Benedictine Abbey of Johannisberg.
Anno 1135 Adalbert but even then acquired the land, for he had managed to win the famous Cistercian abbot Bernard of Clairvaux, as this happened to be staying in Mainz, for the establishment of an abbey in the Rheingau.
Nearly four decades launched in France earlier in life, the Cistercians were still a relatively young religious. Within the Catholic Church they are a reform movement, as it is strictly to the original monastic rules of St. Benedict realized anything back. One of the most important personalities of the time, which helped the Order for recovery and its relevant distribution was just that Bernard of Clairvaux, the archbishop of Mainz was now able to move to found here in the Rheingau, a daughter monastery than him for that purpose that site in Kisselbachtal transferred. Otherwise, there was on German soil, only the Cistercian Abbey of Himmerod on the Eifel, which also is considered a direct creation of the mother abbey of Clairvaux.

In search for a suitable location for the newly founded abbey is now the following have happened:
Just at that moment, when the two high men lingered at the spot to the now home of the monastery, in whose sight is a wild boar with huge tusks of the forest produce to be entered. He ran and jumped down to the Kisselbachtal here in large sets of three times over the Kisselbach. Subsequently, he furrowed his tusks into the ground before returning in the dark thickets of the forest disappeared.
This event was seen as a sign of Bernard, just to build his monastery at this location. Thus, where the boar had jumped the creek, built the church and the ruts that had pulled the boar with his tusks, they built the still existing and 1100-meter monastery walls. This was the foundation for one of the largest Cistercian abbeys in Germany and placed on 13 February 1136 moved into the first Convention with Abt Ruthard and 12 monks in the newly constructed buildings. Those founding of the monastery was under the sign of the reformist ideas of the Cistercians and found expression in the striking simplicity Romanesque architecture and the renunciation of all forms of ornamental and ornamental ingredients.
Over the centuries, the abbey was eventually to a mirror of the turbulent events and the development of Western architectural history. At all the associated periods, conflicts and ideas took Kloster Eberbach large proportion of what particular thanks to the unique good fortune that the entire system was able to survive intact all the time sequences, to this day can be seen in their building. Kloster Eberbach is thus one of the most important medieval monument in Hessen and is the only one in all parts of the abbey obtained the heyday the Cistercians in Germany. Until 1803, the abbey remained in their hands, then reached in Kloster Eberbach worldly possessions.

In the 19th Century monastery Eberbach served first as a criminal, then a so-called "asylum". In the Wilhelmine Empire, it was used as a military convalescent home. In the years following the Second World War was the site of the administration of the Hessen state vineyards, and since 1998, Kloster Eberbach owned by the charitable foundation of the same name. Located
idyllic in the heart of the Rheingau and in the midst of vineyards in the Abbey invites present time to relax and enjoy one, because the monks have known to make their monastery is very impressive. In the spirit of the former farm buildings have been carefully modernized in recent years. Today it serves the guests with the warm Rheingaugastlichkeit, where you can enjoy in the present on-site restaurants including typical Rheingau food and wine.

Monday, February 7, 2011

Brent Everette & The Twins

drawing tablet PC


can be a computer and utilization. The amazing thing is of course the software that made this possible.

Ipod Cord For Jvc Rv-nb20b

The Sanctuary of St. Leonhard


In my school we have a good view of St. Leonard.

How Much Does It Cost To Operate A Tanning Bed


MR Dr. Reinhold HAWLE bedankte sich bei VS-Dir. Peter HEISS anlässlich seiner Verabschiedung in den Ruhestand (Schulschluss 2009).

Antique Wooden Ironing Board Worth

hockey will return