To the youth of today ;-)
When I was a child, have me Adults are bored to death with their caustic essays on their own oh-so-tough childhood and youth, but how hard they had it on their twenty-five km long walks to school - every morning, every night, There and Back - uphill and year-round with bare feet in snow storms, the younger siblings on their backs to the grief-stricken school buildings with only a slow space and you always brought a smooth Einser certificate home - despite everything and the full-time jobs after school the factory for only 35 cent per hour (...), Where she was the little hands have toiled bloody, just to keep the family from starving to death!
time I've promised myself that if I would be growing up, I never, ever young and growing person, for which I take to be a responsibility to serve up such a bullshit, but how hard I ; have had and how easily they start in life, however.
But ...
Now that I have exceeded the ripe age of 45 Lenzen, I can simply no longer deny it - the youth of today have it so verdammt gut !
Ich meine - verglichen mit meiner Jugend leben die doch in einem wahren Traumland Utopia !
Und ich hasse es zwar zu sagen - aber ihr Kids von heute wisst ja gar nicht, wie gut Ihr es habt !
Zu meiner Zeit - als ich noch Kind war - gab es kein Internet !
Wenn wir etwas wissen wollten, so mussten wir in die Bücherei gehen und es uns verdammt noch mal selbst heraus suchen. Da wurde weder gegoogelt, noch bei Wikipedia nachgeklickt. Und es gab auch keine Emails. Wir mussten noch richtige Briefe schreiben - mit einem richtigen Stift und auf Papier ! Anschließend mussten wir den ganzen Weg zu dem verdammten Mailbox around the corner and run it sometimes took a whole damn week, until the part finally arrived at the receiver.
We had had no MP3 and no Napster. If we wanted to steal music, then we go personally to the nearest record store and see how we are these huge Venylplatten under our jackets and the cashier got by without letting us get there. Or we sat all day before that stupid radio and had to wait until our Liblingssong was played. Then we have the songs on cassettes record and end the stupid moderator gelabert still in and it was all messed up!
you want to know what's hard life?
You could not just download Sex! Either you are some one bum with a bottle of liquor have been bribed, that he worried the next you stand a Playboy, or you had to be connected with the lingerie sites in the Otto-catalog satisfied. Those were your options!
We had not telephone all this technical stuff such as call waiting for. If you have someone on the phone and wanted to call you, it was just busy.
Es gab auch keine Displays auf dem Telefon; wenn es klingelte, hattest Du nicht den blassesten Schimmer, wer am anderen Ende war. Es konnte ebenso gut Dein Boss, Deine Mutter, Dein Drogendealer, oder ein Typ sein, dem Du viel Geld schuldetes. Du hattest keine Ahnung - musstest abnehmen und das Risiko eingehen.
Und Handys gab es schon gar nicht !
Um was mit Deinen Freunden zu bequatschen, mussten Du gefälligst dorthin latschen, damit Deine Eltern nicht mithören konnten und wenn die Straßenlichter angingen, hattest Du zuhause zu sein - sonst gab es Dresche !
Gar nicht zu reden von den modernen Spielkonsolen mit hochauflösender 3D-Grafik und 895 Megadings Sound und so weiter. Wir hatten schon Glück, wenn wir Jemanden kannten. der einen Atari besaß mit Spielen wie "Space Invaders" und "Asteroids". Die Grafiken waren Megascheisse ! Du warst ein kleines Quadrat auf der Scheibe und musstest deine Phantasie gebrauchen. Und nix mit verschiedenen Levels - oder so. Immer und immer wieder das gleiche Bild und gewonnen hast Du sowieso nie. Es wurde nur immer schwieriger und schneller, bis Du schließlich Deine Leben aufgebraucht hattest und gestorben warst. Genau, wie halt im richtigen Leben.
Auch gab es im Kino keine aufsteigenden Sitzreihen. All series were on the same level and if you sat in front of a big guy, had just concluded with funny You saw nothing more.
clear - at some point, there were also with us by color television. But there were still only three channels, the
first to the second and the third. There was no cable, no video and text if you wanted to know what was sent, you had to first look into the Hörzu. And certainly not somewhere ran all day cartoons, or Commedy's etc.
If we were lucky, there were five against the children's hour and then the Mainzels and the Sandman. Otherwise, we had to wait until Saturday where we times and for once were allowed to stay a little longer.
You got your nose really what I'm talking about here?
That's exactly what I mean! You kids today have it so damn good - You little effete, pampered, ungrateful beasts have it too easy today! 30 years ago you would have endured less than 5 minutes - let alone survive (...)
forth in this sense
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