Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Potropia Fun

Federal Constitutional Court Act invalid

info war

Federal Constitutional Court invalidated the law since the day it enters into force 12th March 1951 for violation of the Zitiergebot under Article 19 paragraph 1 sentence 2 GG

on 12 March 1951, which became effective 107 § § comprehensive Federal Constitutional Court Act, published in the Federal Law Gazette 1951 I, p. 243 ff, is guaranteed because of the incurable breach of fundamental rights is to end the so-called Zitiergebot as overriding validity provision in accordance with Art.19 para 1 sentence 2 GG since the day of the entry invalid.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Reactine And Birthcontrol

health without dairy products!

milk and derived products (yogurt, cheese, cream etc) harm the human body and thus health. The dairy industry has a very strong interest to spread information on a healthy product - suggest - especially minerals. Milk can not lift mineral deficiency!

Pasteurized milk
fatal to animals - a calf that gets the milk of his mother dies in pasteurized version, after all no later than six months, sometimes even within three weeks.

Fresh Milk - It's the same harmful milk that lurks in our supermarkets (and also in health food stores) to accessing our hands. The same milk that is advertised as supposedly high-quality foods that can supposedly prevent osteoporosis, which is to protect us with valuable calcium from tooth decay, which provide vital protein, also we should give it as many vitamins and especially for children referred to as simply indispensable is. How can a substance but now on one side of that creature - the calf - unconscionable bring around the corner, for which it was originally created and also to a completely different kind of beings - humans - have such a beneficial effect ... ....

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unconstitutional action d. OGV Greve

info war:

unconstitutional actions of the OGV against Andre Grewe need artist couple Lenniger meets the criteria for torture, but this is prohibited under the Convention against Torture of 10.12.1984 in Germany for 20 years and would also be made punishable

efforts since 2007, the NDS. Country officials and the Bonn Basic Law as well as on the nds. State constitution certified basic law requires public officials and bailiffs Andre Grewe Otter village on the Lower Elbe knowingly (intentionally) unconstitutional enforcement orders against the acknowledged freelance artist couple, Angela and Burkhard Lenniger on the basis of authorization of the suicide of the criminal and dictator Adolf Hitler on 30/04/1945 defunct Justizbeitreibungsordnung (Hitler - Regulation) to execute.