Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How To Calculate Rms Voltage

episode elimination action against corruption OGV Greve

episode elimination action under Article 19 paragraph 4 of the Constitution because of unconstitutional action against OGV Andre Grewe before District Court Otterndorf collected

was again against the chief bailiff and nds. Andre Grewe state officials because of his continued anti-constitutional action against the recognized freelance artist couple and Angelika Burkhard Lenniger subsequent removal action under Article 19, paragraph 4, sentence 2, 2 Phrase Constitution in connection with Article 1 para 3 GG, Article 1 paragraph 2 GG in conjunction with Article 20, paragraph 3 GG before the district court Otterndorf collected.

Amplify'd from finanzamt.name

Erneut wurde gegen den Obergerichtsvollzieher und nds. Landesbeamten Andrè Grewe wegen dessen fortgesetztes verfassungswidrigen Handelns gegen das anerkannte freischaffende Künstlerehepaar Angelika und Burkhard Lenniger die  Folgenbeseitigungsklage gemäß  Art. 19 Abs. 4 Satz 2, 2. Halbsatz GG i.V.m. Art. 1 Abs. 3 GG, Art. 1 Abs. 2 GG i.V.m. Art. 20 Abs. 3 GG vor dem Amtsgericht Otterndorf erhoben.

Read more at finanzamt.name


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