Friday, March 4, 2011

Shooting Pain From Left Side Of Neck

The world of Gunther S.

Es ist Montag, der 13. Juni 2011, 5 Uhr morgens.

Der Radiowecker reißt Günther S. (46) aus dem Schlaf. Ein Oldie-Sender spielt Modern Talking.
Günther S. quält sich aus dem Bett. Gestern ist es etwas später geworden. Bei der Arbeit. Dienst am Pfingstmontag - mal wieder !
Früher konnte er danach wenigstens ausschlafen. "Ja ja, der Pfingstmontag", murmelt Herr S.,"ist das wirklich schon sieben Jahre her ?" Es hat sich wirklich einiges getan seit damals. Nur nicht in seinem Haus.

Als 2005 die Eigenheimzulage plötzlich doch gestrichen wurde, mussten they just make compromises. In the meantime, the family has used it. On the exposed wires and the concrete floor. Well, Mr. S. thinks that at that time the garage was not finished yet.
because the car is already sold. Too expensive, since there is no mileage allowance more. And, by bus or train into the city so it takes only two hours. And what makes it nice people!
For example, the blonde, smiling at the Mr. S. always so lovely. Back smile, he does not like. Because of his teeth. But what can you do? 3000 € for two crowns are a lot of money. Even the glasses had to pay for it themselves. But it has saved 15 €. Because he is not equal to the eye, but only went to the doctor. Because of the transfer.
Nevertheless - the holiday falls flat. "This will give trouble at home!" Mr S. groans to himself. Sadly, he remembers last Christmas. As there was nothing. 2009, that is deleted in the free economy, the Christmas bonus, in the public service that is already long time ago. "? And by when gabs actually leave money," asks Mr. S. - he is not on it.
At least they had enough vacation to spend the holiday pay. Today, yes just 19 days year. Whit Monday? 1. May? History.
not on the agenda in 2010 - that was her name - right? But one should not grumble. Those at the top - white Mr. S. - have also not easy and give a lot more plowing. Is finally in the newspaper and say every night on television. How long I probably still make the can?
S. Günther can live with the 45-hour week quite well. He has no choice. has been relaxed since the dismissal in large establishments, one may forfeit it is no longer with the bosses. Who wants to be a contribution already in the army of six million unemployed?
But the holiday surcharge for service on Pentecost he missed already.

What the hell, in 23 years, Mr. S. it behind. So lush, the pension will not fail, if the freezes continue this way, but who knows: Maybe it takes up smoking to also advance.
Although he smokes less, since the box will cost nine euros.
But today, in the final meters to the office, plugged S. Günther nevertheless one of (...)


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