info war
Federal Constitutional Court invalidated the law since the day it enters into force 12th March 1951 for violation of the Zitiergebot under Article 19 paragraph 1 sentence 2 GG
on 12 March 1951, which became effective 107 § § comprehensive Federal Constitutional Court Act, published in the Federal Law Gazette 1951 I, p. 243 ff, is guaranteed because of the incurable breach of fundamental rights is to end the so-called Zitiergebot as overriding validity provision in accordance with Art.19 para 1 sentence 2 GG since the day of the entry invalid.
Wednesday, March 9, 2011
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Tuesday, March 8, 2011
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milk and derived products (yogurt, cheese, cream etc) harm the human body and thus health. The dairy industry has a very strong interest to spread information on a healthy product - suggest - especially minerals. Milk can not lift mineral deficiency!
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fatal to animals - a calf that gets the milk of his mother dies in pasteurized version, after all no later than six months, sometimes even within three weeks.
Fresh Milk - It's the same harmful milk that lurks in our supermarkets (and also in health food stores) to accessing our hands. The same milk that is advertised as supposedly high-quality foods that can supposedly prevent osteoporosis, which is to protect us with valuable calcium from tooth decay, which provide vital protein, also we should give it as many vitamins and especially for children referred to as simply indispensable is. How can a substance but now on one side of that creature - the calf - unconscionable bring around the corner, for which it was originally created and also to a completely different kind of beings - humans - have such a beneficial effect ... ....
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info war:
unconstitutional actions of the OGV against Andre Grewe need artist couple Lenniger meets the criteria for torture, but this is prohibited under the Convention against Torture of 10.12.1984 in Germany for 20 years and would also be made punishable
efforts since 2007, the NDS. Country officials and the Bonn Basic Law as well as on the nds. State constitution certified basic law requires public officials and bailiffs Andre Grewe Otter village on the Lower Elbe knowingly (intentionally) unconstitutional enforcement orders against the acknowledged freelance artist couple, Angela and Burkhard Lenniger on the basis of authorization of the suicide of the criminal and dictator Adolf Hitler on 30/04/1945 defunct Justizbeitreibungsordnung (Hitler - Regulation) to execute.
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episode elimination action under Article 19 paragraph 4 of the Constitution because of unconstitutional action against OGV Andre Grewe before District Court Otterndorf collected
was again against the chief bailiff and nds. Andre Grewe state officials because of his continued anti-constitutional action against the recognized freelance artist couple and Angelika Burkhard Lenniger subsequent removal action under Article 19, paragraph 4, sentence 2, 2 Phrase Constitution in connection with Article 1 para 3 GG, Article 1 paragraph 2 GG in conjunction with Article 20, paragraph 3 GG before the district court Otterndorf collected.
Read more at finanzamt.nameErneut wurde gegen den Obergerichtsvollzieher und nds. Landesbeamten Andrè Grewe wegen dessen fortgesetztes verfassungswidrigen Handelns gegen das anerkannte freischaffende Künstlerehepaar Angelika und Burkhard Lenniger die  Folgenbeseitigungsklage gemäß  Art. 19 Abs. 4 Satz 2, 2. Halbsatz GG i.V.m. Art. 1 Abs. 3 GG, Art. 1 Abs. 2 GG i.V.m. Art. 20 Abs. 3 GG vor dem Amtsgericht Otterndorf erhoben.
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Charlie Sheen's "condition" intolerable
Now it goes final: Warner Brothers has fired Charlie Sheen. The hugely successful sitcom "Two and a Half Men" now has to make do without him - whether it is all about, is uncertain. Sheen, who had made some headlines with violent marital disputes, has the series producers Chuck Lorre as "contaminated small Made" and insulted him "nothing but pain 'desired. Warner leads the "state" Sheens as a reason for being sacked.
My comment: pity, I liked the series.
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When used in public debate our country, the word corruption, then turned the majority of professional observers, so the media people, still the eyes. So you have to be lucky if even now, "Spiegel Online" reports that ex-AWD-Chef Maschmeyer have the ex-Chancellor for the sake of the Enlightenment Schroeder about 1 million paid and although it is still visible then, was paid for what: for the destruction of confidence in the state pension by the Acting Chancellor. Albrecht Müller.
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Although known for many years, that leukemia is not bad "blood cancer", but the healing process after a bone cancer (for self-devaluation and radioactive radiation) is related to the bone growth in childhood, the great majority of the population held in ignorance continues to believe the lies of the pharmaceutical medicine.
Monday, March 7, 2011
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Sunday, March 6, 2011
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inszwischen can search for the urgent conclusion that in the Federal Republic of Germany not only exemption from punishment for consuming the benefit of the German state and plundering financial officials and their reigns in the way of assistance compliant civil servant working helpers and helpers, but also data espionage in the way of so-called drug-related crime as a means to an end by German, in the Bonn Basic Law is operated and the respective national constitution in the Federal Republic of fundamental rights committed financial sworn officers abroad.
Read more at finanzamt.nameOn 05/03/2011 the headline day - Gazette in Switzerland:
" Thus, the "mole" of the Germans worked at CS "
tax authorities paid 2.5 million to an employee of Credit Suisse, so he told them trade secrets and customer data . Due to a bug he flew.
The story reads like a third-rate espionage novel, The German tax authorities sniffed at Credit Suisse. On the German side tax investigators from Wuppertal have threaded the deal. The local tax office for criminal and tax investigation has more than any other experience with difficult cases in Germany - and is regarded as a little squeamish when it comes to information gathering. [...] (Source: Tages Anzeiger )
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Betriebsprüfungen der deutschen Finanzämter verkörpern trotz Inkrafttretens des Bonner Grundgesetzes 1949 als ranghöchste Rechtsnorm nichts anderes als Steuerbeschaffungskriminalität
Mit einem Rechtsstaat, wie ihn die Bundesrepublik Deutschland in den tragenden Verfassungsgrundsätzen auf dem Boden des Bonner Grundgesetzes als ihre ranghöchste Rechtsnorm verankert hat, hat solches Tun alles nichts zutun, doch schauen Sie selbst und bilden sich Ihr Urteil:
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Saturday, March 5, 2011
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Finanzgerichtsordnung (FGO) is invalid since 1965 for violations of the so-called Zitiergebot according to Article 19 paragraph 1 sentence 2 GG
On 23 June 1965 adopted the 4th German Bundestag at its 191st Session a hitherto not in the jurisdiction of the Federal Republic of Germany was present Finanzgerichtsordnung.
Unfortunately, there is a lack of FGO to end guarantee from the date of their entry into force on 1.1.1966 on the fundamental rights sog. Zitiergebot gemäß Art. 19 Abs. 1 Satz 2 GG als zwingende Gültigkeitsvorschrift. Damit ist die FGO seit dem Tage ihres Inkrafttretens ungültig, alle Finanzgerichtsentscheidungen der Finanzgerichte der Länder sowie des Bundesfinanzhofes sind somit ebenfalls nichtig, da es der Finanzgerichtsbarkeit an einem gültigen Prozessgesetz mangelt.
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Herr Guido Westerwelle sollte sich als jemand, der nach eigenem Bekunden für die Freiheitsgrundrechte auch der bundesdeutschen Bevölkerung immer wieder populär das Wort ergreift, endlich zur Kenntnis nehmen, dass die Freiheitsgrundrechte, so wie sie im Bonner Grundgesetz verankert sind, die drei Gewalten als unmittelbar geltendes Recht binden, sie darüber hinaus gemäß Art. 1 Abs. 2 GG unveräußerlich sowie unverletzlich sind und die drei Gewalten schließlich den grundgesetzlichen Auftrag gemäß Art. 1 Abs. 1 Satz 2 GG haben, die Würde des Menschen zu achten und zu schützen.
Foreign Minister Guido Westerwelle has expressed it, namely that the one that human rights with feet ; must occur, who fought their own people, has no place in Human nothing.
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of our jumpers (and by a Skispringerin) at the World Championships in Oslo.
particularly exciting is the team competition. But even in Nordic combined, it shines.
And Andreas Kofler laid her on it a hill record.
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Increasingly, stations without toilet facilities
In smaller and less busy stations are much to the displeasure ÖBB customers increasingly Sanitary closed without any compensation. The reasons stated, the ÖBB on demand problems with vandalism and business cases. The communities were informed before the closure and asked for cost sharing have been, but you have not been able to agree.
My comment: scandalous!
Friday, March 4, 2011
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The legal costs are being applied today has no fundamental legal basis for authority.
It is based solely on impermissible judicial practice of the Federal Constitutional Court, but this has no constitutional amendment or legislative competence.
Read more at finanzamt.nameDas bis heute angewendete Kostenrecht hat keinerlei fundamental legal basis for authority.
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... In describing the facts were left out of the way, consider the fact that in the Federal Republic of Germany since the entry into force of the Bonn Basic Law on 23.05.1949 the tax law Basic Law, which Legitimacy lacking because only laws that meet the stringent validity requirements of the Bonn Basic Law as the highest-ranking legal rule of the Federal Republic of Germany, for example, the so-called Zitiergebot under Article 19 paragraph 1 sentence 2 Basic Law, are valid and allowed by the executive power and applied the law be. So long, however, are contrary to state law provided impunity for the benefit of the state robbing and plundering financial officer, is necessary to note the unconstitutional tax law change anything.
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Census 2011 - Where is the protest?
All of Germany is in wild commotion, because a noble son, who has his doctorate erschummelt. Public opinion is so high, boiled, that it drives even the people in the capital to the streets to demonstrate their frustration.
But even if the young minister admits his post, what will change on issues such as Afghanistan, increasing surveillance and centralization reforms by the legislature and ministries?
List the names of ministers, which the rule of law and freedom of the people is daily trampling long, but their agenda runs like a red thread through their legislatures and as long as we can dictate to us further from major press organs our opinion and social commitment, as long as needed it surprise anybody if we remain distracted every day of the really thick dirty tricks ...
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Dieser Vortrag wurde im Alleingang von einem emsigen Infokrieger mit deutschen Ton versehen. Die Thematik Transhumanismus bietet im deutschsprachigen Raum keine große Quellenvielfalt und in der Regel wird man eher nur mit beschwichtigender Propaganda umgarnt, die nur die technologischen Vorteile betrachten, allerdings nicht mögliche negative Auswirkungen oder Gefahren auf eine Gesellschaft.
Vor allem bietet die moderne Hightech im Bereich der Mikroelektronik die Möglichkeit der vollkommenden zentralisierten Datenerfassung. Das Hauptproblem liegt darin, dass diese technischen Neuerungen schrittweise eingeführt werden und die kommenden Generation sich an den Zustand der völligen Kontrolle gewöhnen bzw. ihn, through the propaganda instilled from childhood, no longer capable of their slave status are recognized.
The total central power, the confluence of all the information and knowledge is probably always been a dream of the elite ...
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Es ist Montag, der 13. Juni 2011, 5 Uhr morgens.
Der Radiowecker reißt Günther S. (46) aus dem Schlaf. Ein Oldie-Sender spielt Modern Talking.
Günther S. quält sich aus dem Bett. Gestern ist es etwas später geworden. Bei der Arbeit. Dienst am Pfingstmontag - mal wieder !
Früher konnte er danach wenigstens ausschlafen. "Ja ja, der Pfingstmontag", murmelt Herr S.,"ist das wirklich schon sieben Jahre her ?" Es hat sich wirklich einiges getan seit damals. Nur nicht in seinem Haus.
Als 2005 die Eigenheimzulage plötzlich doch gestrichen wurde, mussten they just make compromises. In the meantime, the family has used it. On the exposed wires and the concrete floor. Well, Mr. S. thinks that at that time the garage was not finished yet.
because the car is already sold. Too expensive, since there is no mileage allowance more. And, by bus or train into the city so it takes only two hours. And what makes it nice people!
For example, the blonde, smiling at the Mr. S. always so lovely. Back smile, he does not like. Because of his teeth. But what can you do? 3000 € for two crowns are a lot of money. Even the glasses had to pay for it themselves. But it has saved 15 €. Because he is not equal to the eye, but only went to the doctor. Because of the transfer.
Nevertheless - the holiday falls flat. "This will give trouble at home!" Mr S. groans to himself. Sadly, he remembers last Christmas. As there was nothing. 2009, that is deleted in the free economy, the Christmas bonus, in the public service that is already long time ago. "? And by when gabs actually leave money," asks Mr. S. - he is not on it.
At least they had enough vacation to spend the holiday pay. Today, yes just 19 days year. Whit Monday? 1. May? History.
not on the agenda in 2010 - that was her name - right? But one should not grumble. Those at the top - white Mr. S. - have also not easy and give a lot more plowing. Is finally in the newspaper and say every night on television. How long I probably still make the can?
S. Günther can live with the 45-hour week quite well. He has no choice. has been relaxed since the dismissal in large establishments, one may forfeit it is no longer with the bosses. Who wants to be a contribution already in the army of six million unemployed?
But the holiday surcharge for service on Pentecost he missed already.
What the hell, in 23 years, Mr. S. it behind. So lush, the pension will not fail, if the freezes continue this way, but who knows: Maybe it takes up smoking to also advance.
Although he smokes less, since the box will cost nine euros.
But today, in the final meters to the office, plugged S. Günther nevertheless one of (...)
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Thursday, March 3, 2011
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You can see that the District Court of Cuxhaven in spite of the Bonn Basic Law as the highest-ranking legal rule of the Federal Republic of Germany and the nds. State constitution made the oath of office very differently.
Here is the deep insight Letting phone from 02/03/2011:
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Wednesday, March 2, 2011
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The AID syndrome is not infectious! All test and detection techniques for the "HIV" are incapable of making a statement about a "HIV-infection!
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Monday, February 28, 2011
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... and hope that we can go out from next weekend again with rope and Co.. Matching plans we have already forged. This past weekend was for us the perfect end to a wonderful Bouldersaisson with great people and good inspections. Sun Connie was at 26.03. with Sea of Green 8a their heaviest Boulder climb. All four times we were there until she held the handle end in his hands. Sea of Green first characterized by extremely body voltage-dependent movement patterns off, then the second part with a Minnisteller come up on the right. Even the last train was again exciting.
All in all a very nice Boulder in super rock and good looks. In between, we could close at hand nor the fine Traverse " open the time " pick 8a. Here is "simplicity" is announced. First they traversed Sun then then a span dependent Crux need to cope. Then it dissolves well. Yesterday we had the honor of acquaintance with the classic "gift is The Money Pit "7c close + to be allowed. An ingenious shield that can be overcome by very pleasant Monos . I respect the Monos no longer as enjoyable as Conny . I had on Saturday at the" Sharp End "on the left middle finger pulled a bad cakes. So I had as to struggle with the pain than with the phase-meters. The photos are from the bouldering Sea of \u200b\u200bgreen, and triggers and were made by Julian Söhnlein. Thank you Julian!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
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ÖVP: middle school until the age of 15?
ÖVP education spokesman is pushing for regulation of the intermediate examination. Before that would define the Smith Middle School: "Away from the headlines". (Reported by 02/25/2011)
My comment: apparently wants to save the ÖVP Polytechnic School. When then do the other students their "middle school"? Probably not.