Thursday, December 30, 2010

Cervical Mucus Where Does It Come From

Boulder evening was a success

And again it's all over ...

All Boulder walls are broken down into its component parts, brushed handles and structures and the chalk and the rubber particles are swept up into huge piles. was time it properly with the 42 Bouldering something on the fingers. Yes, exactly on the fingers. Meininger Boulder Evening Entertainment was also this year to their reputation. For it was rather less gepatscht and caught, rather than the bars fixed and hergeprügelt the holes. ... But yes, Sloper and rotten eggs gabs too;).

Despite the wiedrigen Straßenverhälznisse were over 60 starters in the way our small arena.

Here are the results:

Boulder Evening 7
number of participants: 60 people


No name, first name home points

first Kessler, Philip Coburg 64
second Wolburg, Maurice Meiningen 53.5
third Wolf, Lars Coburg 52.5
4th Grains, Daniel Erfurt 49
5th Muller, Alexander Arnstadt 46.5
6th Haak, Sebastian Erfurt 44
6th Müller, Christoph Suhl 44
8th Mieth, Martin Ilmenau 35
9th Pfeiffer, Marko Suhl 34
10th Klose, Stephan Erfurt 30
11th Frank, Marco Oberhof 28
12th Noll, Alexander Eisenach 26
13th Fischer, Andreas Steinbach-Hallenberg 25
13th Heynlein, Jan 25 Eisfeld
13th Laborers, Rico Veilsdorf 25
16th Saueracker, Thomas Oberhof 22
17th Schmidt, Rolf Coburg 20
18th Bulow, Marcus Coburg 18
19th Heßenmüller, Norbert Suhl 17
20th Tamke, Hartwig Vesser 12.5
21st Habel, Stefan Untermaßfeld 12
22nd Krause, Sebastian Schleusingen 11
23rd Euring, Volker Eußenhausen 8
24. Lämmerhirt, Heiko Möckers 7
25. Plumbaum, Robert Weimar 7
26. Fricke, Jacob Weimar 6
27. Sachs, Timo Meiningen 4

Boulderabend Nr. 7


Nr. Name, Vorname Heimatort Punkte

1. Matthes, Conny Suhl 49,5
2. Schellenberg, Diana Jena 31
3. Malter, Silvana Suhl 29
4. Soldan, Sylvia Erfurt 16
5. Völzke, Jacqueline Erfurt 15
6. Strohbusch, Maria Untermaßfeld 12

Jugend – männlich

Nr. Name, Vorname Heimatort Punkte

1. Bestvater, Armin Weimar 53
2. Prause, Max Coburg 11
3. Leuthäuser, Urs Coburg 6

Jugend - weiblich

Nr. Name, Vorname Heimatort Punkte

1. Paulus, Sofie Coburg 39,5
2. Paulus, Steffi Coburg 29
3. Harder, Paula Weimar 8

Boulderabend Nr. 7 Ohne Wertung
Name, Vorname Heimatort
Pfromm, Tilo Trusetal
Tschölner, Wolfgang Lichtenfels
Frieß, Kai Schwallungen
Leuthäusser, Bernd Coburg
Neitsch, Herbert Markkleeberg
Gaßert, Ulf Suhl
Eschert, Hannes Tambach
Laube, Achim Jena
Krüger, Stephan Eisenach


Kambert, Simone Oldani
Coburg, Coburg
Strehlav Yvonne, Carmen Erfurt
Oschmann, Ines Catterfeld
Hempel, Karo Eisenach
Schubert, Heike Zella-Mehlis
Rauscher Claudia Oesdorf
Gahlke, Ann-Katrin Keulrod

youth - male

name, first name hometown

Pfromm, Christian Trusethal
Prause, Jannis
stares Coburg, Coburg Christof

youth - female

Name, first name hometown

Carlsen, Stella Coburg

Vieln thanks to the hard-working volunteers, without which take place this event could not: Michael Mueller, Eric Crouch, Monika Crouch, Stafan Habel, Mary Strohbusch, Uli Zimmermann, Christian Mirror and Maxi, Thomas welfare Castle

you next year

Thomas Crouch

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Whats On Fleury's Helmet

I'm still right in the ear, I say to Conny : "Let the Soul Moves driving in this weather eh goes nothing. I have phoned straight Dirk. There should be really good Boulder "But Connie looks strictly at the clock and says:". We have lunch, up to 12 clock is login. No chance! It goes out, "I'm almost completely wet, as I have the crashpads placed in the car off it goes ...

yippee the first time again Bouldering Our goal Actually -.. Happy End 7C. I'm there, the Conny be picked up something nice and I will, meanwhile, let's see the Flubber 8a. After 10 minutes had Conny the Happy to an end. And I worked doggedly and successfully in the first few lines of Flubber . "And what now?" "Well show containing a look, maybe dirs is good, yes!" She really was good ... An hour later

Conny the Ausstigshenkel holds in his hand. Very loosely from the pay was. snap , Hook , Patsch and ready. Today we went
then me, but very tough but no matter.
Servus Thomas
PS people, let your euren Müll nicht liegen. Der Platz schaute saumäßig aus. Es wäre schade um die schönen Boulder .

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Ways To Get Rid Of Impetigo Scars

7th Meininger Boulder evening

Wir, das Team der Meininger Kletterwand, laden alle Bouldersüchtigen und Boulderinteressierte zum geselligen Ziehen und Bewegen ins gemütliche Meiningen (Südthüringen) ein. Der Meininger Boulderabend geht nunmehr in die 7. Runde und bleibt auch dieses Jahr seinen Grundsätzen treu: keine Anmeldung, keine Startgebühren, keine Werbung, kein Kommerz ! Einfach kommen und loslegen. Es warten 30 Boulder you on. From easy to very hard to handle fun nut everything will be there.

When: 29.12.2010

start: 16 clock to 17 clock output the dockets / starter 17 clock (who can not get so early, and later his note ;-))

Date: 21 clock with the presentation ceremony and fun get-together

Where: climbing gym Meiningen in BBZ on Drachenberg 98 617 Meiningen / Südthüringen

It is the docket principle.

We look forward to your visit!

Thomas Crouch

Denise Milani Set Back Of Jeep

The shaft wall (turbulence) in Cantobre

Can I Got To A Tanning Bed After A Brazillian

Ottokar 8b Gorges du Tarn

Ipod Cable Jvc Rv-nb20b

Conny Bar Biturique 8a

Monday, November 1, 2010

Minute Maid Heartwise Seattle

Cantobre and Tarn

Holidays at last! It shot Conny and through my head when we took our BÜSSCHER (packed to Unters roof) on the highway to search for some time of Fahrens die felsgeschwängerten Täler rund um Millau zu erreichen. Unser erstes Ziel sollte Cantobre sein. Eine Wand wie ich sie mir schöner kaum vorstellen kann. Dieses 30 Meter hohe und gut steile Gemäuer befindet sich im Tal der Dourbie sehr weit hinten (von Millau gut 40 min. Fahrzeit). Hier findet das Klettern an ausschließlich LÖCHERN statt. Löcher groß, Löcher klein - überall Löcher in allen Formen und Varianten. Die Wand hat ca. 40 Routen zwischen 7a+ und 8b+ zu bieten . Die Kletterei ist ziemlich berechenbar. Erst kommt die Obligatorische Henkelparade und dann wenn es mal schwer wird, kommt entweder - small or tiny hole - Sprünglein wide. Mostly very dynamic movement sequences are required to succeed. For one week, we endowed this wall out from. In that time we were able to repeat some "dream trips" to 8a +. But at some point we grabbed the loneliness, because we met this week to little people, still less to climbers. Somehow the idea germinated then, once in the Tarn over to look to see if there is more going on here. And the fact PEOPLE! Perfect conditions for boulder-heavy routes (cold wind) led us to up the one time or another, to the sector Güllich zu stapfen. Conny konnte sich dort Bar- Biturique 8a und den Oktopus 7c+ abholen. Mir gelang es die Boulderzüge des Ottokars 8b aneinander zu reihen. Die Ruhetage in Millau waren nicht besonders ansprechend. Die Müllabfuhr streikte und die Stadt glich einem riesigen Müllhaufen. Ergo: Weniger Ruhetage;) Die letzten Tage des Urlaubs verbrachten wir damit noch einige etwas längere Routen am Planete Causse zu spulen. Nun nach einer Woche Kletterpause fühlen sich die Löcher der Fränkischen sehr zäh an. Da muss man sich halt wieder dran gewöhnen-Genauso an die Arbeit, waiting for a ...

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Harley Davidson 1974 Snowmobile

Adee Kurt

The climbing community is mourning Kurt Albert. On Sunday, 26 Kurt September plunged into the lunch hours in Climbing "riser height happiness" at deer creek. He was taken to hospital with critical injuries. On Monday, a day after his accident, he died of his injuries. (See / sven koenig )

It is sad but true. One of the most impressive people leave our world of climbing . For me, Kurt, the icon for climbing. He agreed somehow everything in it, which represented for me the Franconian Jura. Again and again I have these pictures in my head when I think of the Franconian . As I see Kurt in Sautanz or Devils Crack . Or how awesome he told the old stories. For me Kurt is still there. He has left us a lot. His first ascents stand for quality and attract climbers from near and far. But above all, he left an attitude to sport, is simply groundbreaking.

Adee Kurt

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Male Full Body Wax Mississauga

3 / 3

Since vergangerner week I am no longer to be found in my beloved cottage plan in the goat fields Valley. Finally done! Although there is also a project of Julian but otherwise, the wall is complete. The last project is called "Saxony Siggi" and checked out at 10 - a. I say only: top-notch climbing bars. Thanks to Connie, who has collected as many mosquito bites when you save. Thanks to Carsten Seidel and little son Julian for the beautiful projects. Now come the other objectives ... or, as so often said: "After the game before the game."

Monday, July 19, 2010

Cheap Place To Buy New Era Hats In Toronto

hut plan 2 / 3

"A trilogy would be a great thing." So dachte ich mir das vor einigen Wochen, als ich mal wieder den kleinen, schmalen Pfad am Hang gegenüber der Ziegenfelder Wände entlang schländerte , um an meinen geliebten Hüttenriss zu kommen. Vor einigen Jahren fand ich die 15 Meter hohe und durchaus für das schwere Sportklettern geeignete Gemäuer, in einem Zustand vor, welcher nicht hinnehmbar war. Es gab nur einen Achter und der war ziemlich verdreckt. Direkt rechts daneben bohrte ich eine schöne Linie ein, welche ich einem genialen Musiker widmete, der zuvor den Kampf gegen den Krebs verlor . Der " Chuck Schuldiner Gedenkweg " 9+ war mein erstes Werk an dieser Wand. Kurz drauf bestückte Karsten Seidel escape the wall right next to "Chuck " with a project that looks for me at the time unkletterbar . Then it was some time resting at the wall until the end of 2009 Julian Söhnlein came and had the nerve again right of the project, three Neutouren created that still unkeltterbarer and looked even smoother. One of these projects, he gave me and I was initially very skeptical that this can go at all. Leg closer inspection, there were still handles. Some of would entitle them rather than kicking it but there were structures which will be recorded. Actually, the waiting Crux top. First of an 8 - hinwandern, nohand and then HERE to the point: right next to scratches, scratches. Then scratch like mad. Now comes the Sloperteil : Sloper right and left Sloper. And Batsche what it's worth. The small strips I ate regularly of the skin of the fingers. Bleeding fingers were almost become the norm. Last weekend I finally was able to scrape up the diverter and Batsche . The choice of name occurred to me this time not difficult. The tour has eaten so much skin that I baptized ogre. The degree 10/10+ ist mein Vorschlag. Roman van der Werf aus Holland ist momentan sehr fit. Diverse 10+ Routen der Fränkischen konnte er im ersten Versuch widerholen. Für den "Menschenfresser" benötigte er vier Versuche. Aber man muss schon dazu sagen, dass er drei der vier Versuche bei beinahe 30 °C setzte. Nun war der Karsten vor einigen tagen großzügig und gab sein altes Projekt an mich weiter. Mal schauen, ob es was wird mit meiner Trilogie ? Bilder werden nachgereicht...

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Zopiclone Overdose Feel Like?

Saui Heinz Schenk in 8

Women Preference To Men With Privates Shaved

Conny in Earl Gray 10 +

Southland Leisure Center Youth Night

configuring gear bag is ... or the diary of Jeffrey Dahmer

... especially when there are four trains in 10 sauschwer meters height is. They arrived as often such lousy handles, until the skin opens. Over and over again. The Cuts are so deep that you can see the inside of the fingers (sometimes comes through the bone and rub the handles around ). Perhaps they are no longer as sharp. I give the handles have names: the One is the stamp, then Gibts the knife and the penny. Last but not least come the Sauzange and fucking Batscher . The triffts quite good. My yesterday's final attempt would have under the working title " fucking butcher " can run. The blood spurted fountains of detention in the fingers. Now, my serious concern that the skin regenerates not until Saturday. But I miss my beloved handles.

Monday, May 31, 2010

How Much Calories Is In A Chinese

Connie rocks in Duke Reuth

The hard winter training now seems to Connie to bear fruit. Last Thursday she could climb the route with "Earl Gray" her first 8b +. Even if you do the scratchy Boulder (which forms the crux of the tour) playing in the cards, she felt Earl Gray could climb as much more difficult route than the "dummy alarm" (hard-8b), which Conny three years ago. If one of the tour Ausbouldern not even considered, required Conny 10 attempts for "Earl Gray". You can now look forward to the first women's commission, and in general the fourth ascent of this beautiful route. Or further information on the tour, see below. Photos will follow ...

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

A Good Bye Biblical Quote

It's tea time

Actually I'm more of the coffee-drinker, and hold it there like Güllich (perhaps because Güllich, but manifest in all the years, containing certain behavior): "Coffee is an integral part of climbing." Probably has not seen the Harry Röker and names his latest creation on the wall Reuther Duke "Earl Grey". But no matter, it is indeed on the line and not on the name. And that is 1A. The project has certainly already loose 10 years had on his back, until Harry finally last year out there trying to free it. The result I think the best line is on the rocks. A blunt and overhanging edge. At the crux of equal access. Boulder with a nasty fine points which can be really angry with bad skin. For dessert, there are still long lines of holes. A dream. less for me because I had to let go here four times before I got the diverter cliffs. The whole of Harry rated 10 +. Well, but that's why I have not climbed the tour. And not because of the name. Since they had already "Eduscho" or "Schälsche Hesen“ heißen müssen. Coole Tour auf alle Fälle!

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Football Birthday Party Wording

Hall Rocks vol. 2.0

Da die Idee eines Outdoor-Boulderwettkampfes nach dem Laufzettelprinzip im letzten Jahr gut
angekommen ist, starten wir am 29. Mai 2010 ab 12 Uhr in die zweite Runde. Schauplatz ist
dieses Mal der Aktienbruch bei Löbejün, der mit einer Menge Boulderpotential aufwartet und
quasi das Herz des halleschen Kletterns darstellt. Wir begreifen die Halle Rocks als ein
überregionales Happening, bei dem die Session an sich und das Miteinander im Vordergrund
stehen. Gleichzeitig können wir Euch damit unsere Boulder-Spots vorstellen. Und die sind nicht
von schlechten Eltern!
Halle Rocks! Diesen schönen, ambiguous slogan has been our guest Potsdamer Halle
Walter Bartlett, who also left footprints in fawn boulder technically been invented country rock,
. The Hall Rocks as an event organized by the members of the IG-climbing-hall
Löbejün and free We have no climbing gym, but a lot
rocks in its vicinity, from which we have lifted in recent years, the maximum in
climbing fun.
Like last year, you expect about 20 to 30 Porphyry Boulder in all grades (IV-Saxon
Xc, Fb 2 - 7a +) lightweight, vertical to overhanging, with one or the other traverse. Before
place locals will be enough, which will show you the way together with you and bouldering
might give the odd tip. For who knows the characteristics of porphyry,
will know that often in addition to good strength and stamina strip out just the right
movement patterns to the target. On the docket a map will be found,
to help her you will break in the share and navigate through the adjacent water pond
easily. To set the mood calm her
can have a little bit scroll through the database. What
Boulder ultimately be selected, in advance of course not reveal. A couple of very
new things but also be there. Regarding the
Wettkampfwertung hat es sich bewährt, die Boulder nach ihrer Schwierigkeit zu
wichten. Es lohnt sich also, Zeit in ein schweres Problem zu investieren. Die drei besten Frauen
und Männer qualifizieren sich für das Finale an einer separaten Wand.
Im Anschluss an den Wettkampf laden wir euch alle herzlich zu einer kleinen After-Climb-Party
ein. In diesem Jahr mit Lagerfeuer, Essen vom Grill und Bier. Für die Abwechslung
zwischendurch werden Slacklines gespannt sein.
Zur besseren Übersicht noch einmal die harten Fakten:
Aktienbruch (inkl. Löschteich) bei Löbejün
Samstag, den 29.05.2010, Start ist 12:00 Uhr (Ausgabe der Laufzettel und Erläuterungen 11:45
Uhr), Abgabe der Laufzettel gegen 17:00 Uhr. Finale circa 18:00 Uhr.
Was passiert bei Regen?
Wenn es der Wettergott nicht gut meint (Dauerregen), dann wird der Wettkampf als Vol.2.2 auf
den 05.06.2010 verschoben.
Wer kann teilnehmen?
Teilnehmen kann jeder, der Lust hat.
Silvio Ruppe (Tel. 0174/3317955 oder
Benjamin Gerono (Tel. 0177/5537777 oder
Soll ich etwas mitbringen?
Gute Laune und Hausschuhe ☺! Nee, aber bringt bitte eure Bouldermatten mit!
Einen Bericht aus dem letzten Jahr gibt’s hier:
And more photos can be found here:
de / joomla / index.php? Option = com_content & task = view & id = 83 & Itemid = 36

Saturday, April 10, 2010

How To Watch Family Guy Online On Ipod

Gorges du Loup

Oh, how beautiful it is after 4 months rope climbing - visit the beautiful South of France abstinence to look at what makes the stamina Sun Na nix of course ....

But as tradition so will (since Easter 1991 HERE to France to climb) we go again with a comfortable troop gene south. This time it should be the Gorges du Loup . The considerable number 60 tours in the sector Devers 7c lured us up a bit. Soon we also knew that would take in 15 trains climbing our forearms considerable extent our road led into the huge cave. We were somewhat disappointed, as many of the best lines were not climbing is because the sintered-like stream water headed down. Die spektakulären Kracher " KinematiX " 9a , "Punkt X" 9a und " Abbys " 9a glichen zwar einem Wasserfall aber bestachen dennoch doch ihre charakteristischen Sinterfahnen, die sich schier endlos nach oben schlängelten um im Nichts zu enden.

Auch wenn die richtig langen Sachen für uns nicht möglich waren, so fanden wir unsere Projekte, die uns ordentlich den Saft aus den Armen zogen. Einige E ingewöhnungstage brauchten wir schon, um endlich mal einen roten Punkt schreiben zu können. Es war schon lustig. 10 Meter gingen total locker und dann gabs garnix mehr. An den dicksten I'm handles rotted. But it was uphill . Connie was able to use the commission of Super Mekanik "8a and some other routes up to 7c a successful S tart in the climbing saisson happy and I was happy when I last More Day " New power generation " could hollow 8b. There were as always very nice day on I think back wistfully, if I just back in the cold D erm sit and liebäugele with Boulder mats.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Can Fibroids Cause Aching Legs

red wall (Kleinziegenfelder Valley)

Yesterday, when I tour the Boulder Kyril climbed in the Red Wall, I chased a tawny owl with my presence of his breeding site in the route blood blister. Today there was a site visit and it is requested that the route request to Gundis T `n` T climbing to abstain. Please give the breed a chance. The Franconian is so great ...

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

What Are The Names Of Different Types Of Brownies


"The also as brothel known Aalkorber walls at Nankendorf in the upper Wiesenttal are among the most popular walls of the Frankish Jura. Your sunny orientation, good security and the friendly ambience at the base of the wall say it all. Now is this climbing destination on the brink of !
not rare plants, a Uhubrut or other conservation reasons could result in a ban here. No, it is the climbing species itself, which makes this beautiful area of \u200b\u200ban end. Recently, at the base of the wall climbing can be propagated their rubbish. Becoming obvious, so much that the property owner has lost his patience. The next wrongdoing in this direction that has insured the property fence and to prohibit climbing there "(see: Koenig, Sven; Frankenjura com.)

last night I read these lines. , my good mood at first transformed into a mixture of anger and sadness . Certainly, this sentiment is not directed against the property owners. I still have it be very pleasant and communicative people in mind. Rather, it was directed against those with whom I share a passion to climb. How can there only so far, so dull that climbers and leave their rubbish on the rocks? I can not understand it. I watch the increasing littering the rocks for several years and must admit that it is getting worse from year to year. Sometimes I feel like the disposer my so-called "sports fans" when my climbing pack on the way back to some serious has become. I know many other climbers who practice it as well take the trash of others. So it can not go ! Here a discourse ago. A discussion under the heading climbing ethics. Certainly it is important to know whether someone has a route with three hooks vorgeklippt committed or not. But it is as much about climbing ethics , how to behave on the rock . How to behave in nature , learn a corner. I want to be at this point very clearly. This problem is in LIABLE way to Alkorber walls. Ten years ago it was still not so bad. On the walls of the popular Kletteter growing. One meets Tape remains , Chalkverpackungen , cigarette butts and feces five meters next to the entrance of a route. In addition, one encounters non-resident climbers who come along and think: "I am on vacation for climbers and everything has been waiting for me to clear the stupid crap off my local farmers already." Such a setting is long or short term lead to that limit, the scope of our freedom in Climbing more and more. I would not put up with me because das Klettern für mich und viele meiner bekannten und Freunde Lebensinhalt ist. Für mich sind die Felsen an denen ich klettere wie eine Heimeit . Und die lasse ich mir nicht nehmen. Schließen möchte ich mit einem Satz eines Freundes: "Der größte Feind des Kletterers ist der Kletterer."

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Cost To Get Hair Dyed At Jcpenney Salon

LUG, CLAIMED, WAS & Co. KG in Dresden

Hallo Dresdner Pressekollegen,

die folgende Pressemeldung habe ich heute erhalten und möchte diese mit möglichst vielen Pressekollegen teilen:


Hallo liebe Redaktionskollegen,

vor kurzer Zeit fand in Dresden im Hochhaus am Albertplatz ein Infoabend statt.

Das Thema war die Vorstellung des Bauprojekt "Albertpark" am Albertplatz.
Der Veranstalter war die Dresden Bau- and represented by your manager configuration GmbH, the architect Reginald Töberich.

All information on this event are available in the press distribution and also online researching on Google as quickly.

Since today NEW VERY INTERESTING and become acquainted with MANY QUESTIONS prone FACTS:

How can someone (a person or a company) to present something there to build and do, especially if the LAND SALE OFFER and the existing building (Building and annex building) does NOT do this person / these companies are owned and the owner is not aware of it and has also granted no permission?

Regine Töberich which had occurred at the event in your role as manager of project planning and DresdenBau GmbH, is not the owner of the building on Albert Square and not of land and property there.
The DresdenBau and project GmbH is also not the owner.

The DresdenBau and project GmbH was owner until 2008 and then sold to a buyer from England.
This buyer was the former planned investor for the project "Student Hotel" in high-rise at Albert Square.

Da dieses Projekt nicht realisiert wurde hat der Investor das Grundstück erworben um dort eigene andere Projekte zu realisieren.
Der Investor hat das Eigentum am Grundstück in 2008 rechtmässig erworben und wurde dadurch Eigentümer.

Der rechtmässige Eigentümer hat keinerlei Kenntnis von einem Projekt "Albertpark" und auch keine weiteren geschäftlichen Beziehungen
mehr zu der DresdenBau und Projektierungs GmbH und auch nicht zu Frau Regine Töberich der Geschäftsführerin der DresdenBau und Projektierungs GmbH.
Der rechtmässige Eigentümer ist an keinem Verkauf, keinem Projekt und keiner Zusammenarbeit mit anderen interessiert. was

The event at the information evening of the friendly press the question:

"Who is the owner here?" formulated.

The answer, which was first out of more or less and has won broad types who the DresdenBau GmbH and configuration is and what it does, pushed aside.

Only when other media colleagues again raised the question came a very tentative and tight "yes, the owners, we are" to light.
The subject was then switched from the spokeswoman Töberich wife immediately went out and you no longer ein.

JETZT könnte KLAR werden WARUM!

Der rechtmässige Eigentümer ist die

Opal Dresden GmbH
Schwannstr. 6
40476 Düsseldorf
vertreten durch den Geschäftsführer:
Mr. Stuart Wall
welcher gleichzeitig auch der Managing Director (Geschäftsführer) des Mutterkonzern ist, nämlich der

Opal Property Group
The Place
Ducie Street
M1 2TP

Weitere Informationen findet Ihr unter :

Das Grundbuch wurde von unserer Redaktion auf Richtigkeit der Fakten geprüft, kann aber von jeder anderen Redaktion erneut eingesehen und geprüft werden - der Kontakt dafür ist:

Grundbuchamt am Amtsgericht:

* Olbrichtplatz 1, 01099 Dresden
* Telefon 0351-446-0
* Öffnungszeiten: Dienstag 8 bis 18 Uhr, Donnerstag 8 bis 12 Uhr

, it raises the editorial team QUESTIONS:

- which targets women Töberich pursue your acting?
- who approved the event?
- had the event or entering the grounds and building the character of a trespass?
- there is a criminal offense under § 123 paragraph 1 StGB?

above all, ask yourself the questions "why":

- why women Töberich claims that you or your company is the owner?
- why is the supposedly existent investor for the construction project "Albertpark" nicht benannt?

Es ist sicherlich im Interesse der Allgemeinheit, der Anwohner und auch von Privatpersonen welche Investitionen planen (im Albertpark werden auch Eigentumswohnungen zum Kauf angeboten) die Fakten festzustellen und der Öffentlichkeit offen zu legen.

In welcher Absicht ein Projekt erstellt wird, der öffentlichkeit als Eigentum präsentiert wird, projektiert und geplant sowie der Presse vorgestellt wird, welches aber niemals umgesetzt werden kann da es einem nicht gehört ist nur zu Vermuten.
Die Erträge aus Verkäufen von Eigentum welches noch nicht existiert (Wohnungen usw.) sowie auf einer Fläche die einem have not heard one to think very much left.

One incentive is to think about it, researching it and ask is the following:
Regine Töberich has established a limited liability company which is confused of the new owner to similar, there are the:

OPAL GmbH Dresden 1
Kurfürstendamm 178/179 10707 Berlin

represented by the chairmen:
Regine Töberich

This would take all measures may also be a way to welche mit der Umsetzung des Projekt "Albertpark" in Zusammenhang stehen.
Wenn unter einem Firmennamen der dem des rechtmässigen Eigentümer bis auf die Ziffer "1" zu 100% gleich ist Behördengänge erledigt werden,
Genehmigungen eingeholt werden und alles andere was zur Realisierung eines Bauprojekt mit einem geplanten Investitionsvolumen von mindestens 25Mio.€ untermauert werden kann so entsteht doch ein schneller Verdacht.

Wen die Anschrift (Berlin) verwundert der sollte folgendes wissen:

Kurfürstendamm 178/179
10707 Berlin
ist auch die Adresse diverser Unternehmen welche be led by Michael Wandtke the partner and business partner of Regine Töberich.

This background information was not available to the public until now and therefore not publicly known.
This must change now.

We hope for your collegial support, especially on primary research in the DresdenBau and project GmbH and managing director Regine Töberich in its own editorial interests.

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