Monday, January 31, 2011

How To Get 1000 Credits On Poptropica

need Rhenish legends: How Wiesbaden to his sources did not

ago there lived a very long time in the dark woods surrounding Taunus Wiesbaden peaceful Ekko giant name and somewhere in the same area - no one knows where exactly - there was also a great and terrible dragon, the giant was no peace. Ekko had to be on guard not to come too close to the beast and again he was interrupted by the monster. Every time the dragon was angry, he spat fire and smoke from his huge nostrils and he had already taken numerous places in the forest on fire. Long ago Ekko could sleep at night for that reason no longer quiet and then he thought about how he could make the monster the Gar.
"I need to find his cave! There I'll lay in wait and when he comes out so erschlage ich ihn." sagte der Riese zu sich Selbst - auch um sich selber Mut zuzusprechen und so machte er sich tapfer und voller Entschlossenheit auf die Suche. Tagelang zog er umher; über Berge und durch dunkle Täler, durch finstere Wälder und grüne Ebenen. Der Drache schien wie vom Erdboden verschluckt und schien sich in einer ängstlichen Vorahnung in die hintersten Winkel seiner Höhlen verkrochen zu haben. Nach etlichen Tagen der vergeblichen Suche war Ekko dann mit seiner Geduld am Ende und er schrie : "Verfluchtes Ungeheuer ! Wo steckst du nur !? Komm' heraus und zeig' dich ! Kämpfe mit mir !!!"

Zwar zeigte sich the dragon is not then, but said Ekko have heard, and firmly believes in the depth would have under him, the caves are the dragon from the depths of a mocking laugh, Ekko rammed a spear into the ground. The idea that the monster saw him hiding under and this is even making fun of him that Ekko was always angry. He rammed his huge spear into the ground again and again, until suddenly a ray of boiling water poured out of one of the resultant holes. Of these, completely surprised the giant managed not to jump aside in time, and the hot water scalded him the enormous Füße. Wieder glaubte der Riese, dass sich in seine Schmerzensschreie jenes spöttische Lachen mischte und jetzt raste er erst recht vor Wut da er glaubte, der Drache würde ihn zum Narren halten. Tiefer und tiefer trieb er seine Lanze in den Boden hinein, doch es nutzte ihm nichts, denn er konnte den Drachen auf diese Art nicht erreichen. Jedes Mal wieder, wenn Ekko die Waffe aus dem Boden zog, schossen kleine Fontänen heißen Wassers aus den Öffnungen hervor, bis mit einem Mal eine gigantische Fontäne hoch in den Himmel schoss und den Riesen mitten ins Gesicht traf !

Schmerzerfüllt brüllte Ekko auf und da er in diesem Moment nichts mehr sehen konnte, torkelte und he staggered, stumbled and finally fell to the ground. With his left hand on which was missing a little finger, he could barely catch his fall but just now, but the earth shook but in his impact and his hand and forearm dug deep into the ground.
Ekko should hang from the hunt for ever have enough and scalded face with the giant took from there, and was never seen again. With his lance, but he had broken underground thermal springs, and his fall had left some traces that are visible to this day. His supporting with the left palm had formed the Wiesbaden boiler and from its remaining four fingers were created four valleys, that Rambachtal that Nerotal that Walk Mühltal and Wellritztal. With the forearm Ekko had forged a Salzbachtal.

Bump On Side Of Pug's Neck

game with the Pariah

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Low Less Header Meaning

The story of the heart

... that was the night wings and went on a journey to find happiness ...

There once was a little heart that nestled between the dreams, hopes, aspirations and fears his existence-ended - always looking for happiness.

a nice summer morning, put the little heart to his surprise finds that his wings - small transparent wings were grown. It flew quite timid at first, then faster and faster and finally picked it up and flew silently away to seek happiness. The dreams, hopes, aspirations and fears, it took on this trip, but it had the little heart to bear, of course, difficult. First it tried to get rid of the fears so. Like a balloon of ballast yields, it threw away his fears and then rose higher and higher to the sun. This was close enough to touch at a time.
The small Heart sought out a soft fluffy cloud to rest a little. It felt it had to bear the battered things are still difficult.
Whether I probably let the hopes here, thought the little heart. Or maybe the dreams? It chose the desires and let them stand on the cloud. To facilitate some, it continued its journey. Again, it was thinking of the happiness, the search was the object of his journey and silently glided past the sun, moon, clouds and stars on the little heart. On his trip, it also met some other hearts that were just loaded with ballast, like our little heart before and the not very happy three looked, but somehow seemed perplexed. Oh well, thought the little heart, what I care about the foreign heart.
in the Milky Way When it came by, decided to rest the little heart a little, for which he had remaining hopes and dreams to take not easy. When it had finally recovered a bit, decided to leave it to the hopes here and take only the dreams. Relieved was the little heart next to his own way. But on the way it was always sad. It had only dreams - dreams without hopes - dreams without desires. The
kleine Herz flog weiter, ziellos und unglücklich und nach einiger Zeit des rastlosen Umherfliegens beschloss es endlich wieder umzukehren. Auf dem Rückweg sammelte es die Hoffnungen, die Sehnsüchte und auch die Ängste wieder ein und setzte schwer beladen seinen Heimweg fort. Trotzdem das kleine Herz so schwer zu tragen hatte, flog es ganz leicht dahin und auf einmal wurde es ihm klar ! Es fiel ihm gar wie Schuppen von den Augen, dass es das Glück im Grunde schon die ganze Zeit über nahe bei sich gehabt hatte - dass es das Glück wegen seiner übergroßen Betrübnis nur nicht hatte erkennen können und das dass Glück eben nur dort bestehen kann, wo es Hoffnungen und Sehnsüchte - Are dreams and fears.
folded all the little heart still together his wings and thought, maybe I'll eventually need one to fly off the bad luck!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Inurl:view/view.shtml^ Security

Och wat wor dat Fröher beautiful

Wat size: Cologne sing but lost character,
been like dat he levve on Rhing su nice.
Mer it nit Selver mie rääch em klor,
Ovv mer ne fad or not to have done. Usage
foreign Krom, et zo but it bedoore.
schöddelt as steels Kölsche mer d'r Kopp.
Deiht mer is merely the beloore Daenzer vun Hueck,
Stüsser a jedesmol op de home Och wat wor dat

Fröher nice but en Colonia,
if d'r Franz went mem Nieß nom steels Kohlberg. to knuutsche
If Pitter d'r s poorest poorest mem Appolonia
ahn alternate vergnög om home began!

The sechsmol ten p.m. customizable Pfenige,
dat wor ne Wocheluhn vun NEM clerk.
Den wot verdanz, we de mer is foaling kings
de Zech et zom conclusion then paid Liss. The Cavaliers met
Leete secure trade, if
mer than girls Schless un Kohldamp added.
Trook eh en Boxer met burnt almond,
the woten then gelötsch dat mer to fill. Och wat wor dat

Fröher nice but en Colonia,
was when Franz mem Nieß nom steels Kohlberg. to knuutsche
If Pitter d'r s poorest poorest mem Appolonia
ahn alternate vergnög om home began!

How To Get Rid Of Paspallum

What still has meaning?

What is even more important in your world, if
remains nothing more?
What is the meaning of our existence,
where anything and everything seems in vain?
What does the love
when you begin to hate?
What is more friendship,
lose all confidence when you?
What is even more confidence,
when no one gives more credence?
What can the sun, but when it rains
What does the light
where only darkness prevails?
What are poems
if there are no more words?
And what assets the words
loses when one's faith?

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Restaurant With The White Paper Bag Hats

Hasta la vista baby

Conny Matthes climbs Terminator 8a/8a + bloc.

1999, I stood with my father, Eric the first time under the gechalkten traces in this monstrous roof. We both shook their head and could not imagine for the life that you can climb up there long.

"Auf gehts Roman! Ab in den Henkel!" Im November 2010 schleppen wir unsere holländischen Freunde Suzanne und Roman mit ans Terminatordach. Roman ist genauso heiß wie wir. Wir wollen Terminator probieren. Das ende vom Lied war, dass Roman das Ding nach drei Versuchen locker wegflockte und auf uns eine ganze Menge Arbeit wartete. Und so gingen wir unermüdlich ans Terminatordach. Den Weg nach Pottenstein findet mein Auto nun von alleine ;). Doch ab Jahresbeginn 2011 ging nix mehr. Das einsetzende Tauwetter und die damit verbundenen Bedingungen machten uns einen kräftigen Strich durch die Rechnung. Allerdings muss man dazu sagen, dass wir for some time in the Terminator, no significant progress more power. We always folded together in the last third of the Boulders . There was simply body tension.

The long spell of bad weather we stayed at the Bamberger Boulder area , where we have many Sloper - tried and Press Boulder. Then Connie had the idea of \u200b\u200bthe whole body isometric exercises with and to combine training antagonists. I never imagined how exhausting can be as little .

I think that yesterday Saturday the first day for three weeks (in Franken Jura), was where one could speak of good conditions. We put great emphasis on the warm up. We climbed the Traverse in different variations and were quite loose in the head. Then came the warm-up further in the Terminator. Conny could climb immediately the last third loose. For me, too. Then they made an attempt and fell on the last train to handle. After 15 minutes of rest could Conny finally climb through the roof and celebrate Terminator therefore its greatest success to date. I had to struggle I still want it then just before dark, I also succeeded. For me, a little dream came true.

Today we both had more grains in order to hang a old bag, the "Butthole Surfers " 7c + in Burggrub. Conny won the dessert nochdas classic " Atom Heart Mother " 7b in the second attempt. Such weekends for us all too often. But they are there ... Photos to follow.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Much Mark Joine Marine Engineering

Don Cossack Choir

Monday, January 17, 2011

Tanning After Eyebrows

Rhenish legends: The coat of arms of Mainz

your beginning was the story of mid-10th Century Schöningen in Braunschweiger Land. At that Time the woman gave birth to the local Wagner her elderly husband, a son already, they called Willigis. He too was destined to learn how to be a father the craft of Wagenradbaus to later continue his father's business. The young Willigis was initially very talented and was the pride of the old Wagner. Nevertheless, the father soon noticed that this simple craft to his son seemed no real pleasure to prepare. The mother also felt that the wise son was a higher calling and as the father the happiness of the son's heart was, he took upon himself all the trouble to make Willigis get a different design. He succeeded, finally, at the influential and learned people hold, audition later bishop of Meissen and teacher Otto II and this to plead that he should stand up for Willigis and embrace him. Perhaps out of pity, but also because he saw one in Willigis indeed gifted boy who heard the petition of the people hold the old man and he gave not only the young boy an education, but also brought him even in the context of the imperial court. Soon people wore Holds efforts fruits and Willigis - scholarship and driven by ambition - became magnificent. Even the emperor of the Holy Roman Empire Otto I fell on the great talent and the tenacity of the young man, the chaplain and he finally as head of seiner Reichskanzlei machte.
An seine Tage in Schöningen und an seine Herkunft dachte der Handwerkersohn Willigis hier bereits lange nicht mehr. Im Gegensatz zum Kaiser aber waren dessen Kanzleibeamte dem jungen Willigis jedoch weit weniger gewogen und sie waren voller Neid darauf, dass einer, der nicht aus ihren Reihen stammte, eine solche Karriere machte. "Emporkömmling !" nannten sie ihn und machten ihm wo immer es ihnen möglich war das Leben schwer.
Der Spott aber beflügelten Willigis Ehrgeiz nur noch mehr; er wollte besser sein als diese adeligen Herren und tatsächlich wurde er nach nur vier weiteren Jahren unter Otto II. zum Erzbischof von Mainz und zum Reichskanzler ernannt.

All 'these successes, but made Willigis not really happy, he was envied alone against an overwhelming number of people who were hostile to him, because the Mainz patrician the new Archbishop of the rise and they meditated for a way to humiliate him . Finally, they had an idea and yet the same night they put the same into the act. By hired villains they were on all the doors and walls of the episcopal palace to paint car wheels to remember Willigis to its simple origin and to each wheel was therefore written, "! Willigis Willigis Remember where you came from!"

But the shameful Plan did not, because wanted to eliminate as the servants of the archbishop on the following day, the nocturnal graffiti on his own initiative, ordered Willigis to their surprise that work cease immediately. The sight of the wagon wheels had actually reminds him of his humble origins and the fate of his mother and his father had become aware of him again and after such a long time. He made the decision that the images will now warn, so that he never again forget and this was his next arrangement, the wheels symbolically carve in stone - set up in front of the residence, as well as the sign of the wheel in every room of the house and also in his private chambers to paint the wall.
Thus, it was the jealousy of the patrician owe that Willigis walked in the grateful and humble servant of the Church and the State, as he is addressed later in the story. Whether Willigis thanked the patricians of the city for its unwanted service ever, is not recorded, although this would have the anger of men over their failed plan hardly appeased, and so should the Archbishop to honor those two wagon wheels in the city arms have come to Mainz.

---------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------

Willigis v. Mainz
+ 23.02.1011
In Wahrheit ist die Herkunft des historischen Willigis nicht genau bekannt und auch, warum er in Bischof Volkhold von Meißen einen so einflussreichen Mentor fand, ist nicht überliefert. Sicher ist aber, das Dieser ihm den Eintritt in die Domschule ermöglichte und Willigis auch durch ihn an den Hof Ottos I. kam, wo er in der Tat sehr rasch aufstieg. 971 wurde er Hofkaplan und Vorsteher der Reichskanzlei; nur vier Jahre später Erzbischof von Mainz und Reichskanzler. Nach dem Tode Ottos II. nahm er dessen Sohn in seine Obhut, wurde sein Lehrer und verwaltete das Reich bis zur Volljährigkeit Ottos III., der dann 996 den Thron bestieg.
Eine gesicherte Erklärung, wie nun die Wagenräder in das Stadtwappen von Mainz kamen, gibt es nicht. Es gibt neben der Sage um den Erzbsichof noch eine archäologische Hypothese, die das Wappenrad in der Nachfolge des Sonnenrads des keltischen Gottes Mogo, dem Namenspatron des römischen Moguntiacum sehen, aus dem sich dann Mainz entwickelt hat. Eine andere Deutung vermutet, dass das Wagenrad aus dem griechischen Christusmonogramm entstanden ist und beruft sich hierbei auf Radmotive in den Münzen des Mainzer Erzstifts.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Ross Kemp On Gangs Jamaica

Too late

Es war einmal ein Junge, der mit einer schweren Krankheit geboren wurde;   eine Krankheit, für die es keine Heilung gab. Er war erst 17 Jahre und jeder Tag - jede Stunde konnte sein Letzter - seine Letzte sein. Ganz zurückgezogen lebte er gemeinsam mit seiner Mama, aber das reichte ihm bald und er beschloss ein einziges Mal auszugehen und das Haus zu verlassen. So bat er seine Mama um die Erlaubnis und schließlich gewährte sie es ihm.

Als er so durch sein Viertel spazierte sah er eine Menge Läden und so kam er auch an einem Musikgeschäft vorbei. Während er dort in die Auslage schaute, fiel ihm die Anwesenheit eines jungen Mädchens was on, not only beautiful but also his age. It was love at first sight and he opened the door of the shop and entered the business. He approached the counter, without something else to look at than just the girl and when she smiled, asked what she could do then for him, he only saw her smile and thought that it was the most beautiful smile he had ever in his life have seen.
He clearly felt the desire to kiss her, but he produced only stammer: "Yes I would like to buy a CD."
Without thinking, he reached for the first best he could and handed the girl the money.
"Do you want me to pack it to you?" asked the girl, and again with that smile.
The boy nodded his head and the girl went back to the camp to come up with a wrapped package back. She gave it to him and he took it and left the store.

went from that day the boy every day to the store and bought a CD on each day. She always wrapped the girl and he always took the package to your home with, which may then in eine Schublade zu legen; er brachte es schlicht nicht über sich - war schlicht zu schüchtern das Mädchen anzusprechen und einzuladen mit ihm auszugehen. Obwohl er es mehrfach versuchte, konnte er es nicht. Seine Mama bemerkte es bald und sie unternahm den Versuch, ihren Jungen dazu zu ermuntern, damit er sich endlich getraute. Also fasste er sich schließlich ein Herz und abermals ging er zu jenem Geschäft. Wieder aber kaufte er nur eine CD und wieder ging das Mädchen nach hinten, um sie dort einzupacken.
Der Junge nahm die CD und als sie einmal kurz nicht auf ihn achtete, hinterließ er immerhin schnell seine Telefonnummer und verließ das Geschäft.

rang a few days later with her mother on the phone.
At the other end reported the girl because she had noticed that the young man had for some days you can not come to the store and they wanted to ask about him.
"You Do not!" asked the mother, and he broke into tears. "My boy died yesterday!" Then there was silence on the line and you could hear only the complaints of the mother.
She later went into the room her son to remember him. She decided to see his underwear and so she opened one of its drawers. Much to her surprise, she piled up there, a whole mountain of small parcels, it was those CDs and not a single one of them had unpacked the boy. Curious, she began to unwrap one of the pack, as her a small piece of paper fell into the hands to read handwriting on which was

Hi! You are very sweet! Would you not even go out with me? I love you very much ... Sofia!

The mother opened every single one of these packages and in every one of them put on such a piece of paper and Allen was the same in spirit to . Read
for this little story it is hardly an eventual moral to the stark reality that it hardly can be anything sadder than pointless waste of time and an even more senseless wasted opportunity.
but if this story touched even a heart, had all but meaningless.

What Does A Paper Texas Driver

chorus of those rescued

Nelly Sachs
We saved - from whose hollow bones death already cut his flutes.
to the chords of death has underscored his bow -
Our bodies have to complain with their mutilated music.

We saved - still hanging loops for our necks turned
before us in the blue air.
still fill the hours with our watches dripping blood.

we saved - we still eat the worms of fear.
Our star is buried in the dust.
We ask you saved:
Show us your sun slowly.
us from star to star in the crotch.
Let us learn the quiet life again.
Otherwise it may of a bird song,
Filling the bucket at the well
can break our bad pain
sealed and wegschäumen us.

We ask you: we have not
Shows a biting dog!
It could - it could be
that we turn to dust;
crumble into dust before your eyes.

What holds up our weaving? We have become
fled their souls to Him in the midnight,
long before our bodies
saved in the Ark of the moment.
We saved,
We press your hand. We
recognize your eye.
But together keeps us only to say goodbye.
The parting in the dust
keeps us together with you.

Bloons Walkthrough For Ipodtouch

The Weber

In no dark eye tear
they sit at the loom and baring his teeth.
Germany - we weave your shroud.
We weave into the triple curse -
We weave, we weave!

A curse the God to whom we asked to
in winter cold and famine.
We have hoped and waited in vain.
He has mocked us and fooled and fooled -
We are weaving, weaving!

A curse on the king - the king of the rich,
to our misery could not soften. pressed
the last penny from us and we
like shooting dogs can -
We weave, we weave!

A curse on the wrong native country,
flourish where only shame and disgrace.
Where every flower bent early
rot and decay where the worm refreshed -
We are weaving, weaving!

The shuttle flies, the loom crashes,
we busily weave day and night!
Altdeutschland - we weave your shroud.
We weaving into the triple curse - weave
We and weaving!

(Heinrich Heine)

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Brown Discharge From Vergina

the Pink Lumberjack

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Best Red Dot Sight Money

;-) For people with heart and mind!

We have taller buildings, but shorter tempers, wider freeways
, but closer views.
We consume more but have less.
making more purchases, but have less joy.
We have bigger houses but smaller families;
more convenience but less time.
More training, but less sense,
more knowledge and less understanding.
more experts and more problems!
more medicine but less health;
especially less affordable healthcare for all.

We smoke too much and we drink too much.
irresponsible We spend a lot of money,
but we laugh a little and we go - We live in - too fast.
We get upset too quickly,
go to bed much too late - too tired to stand;
we read too little, watch TV too much and pray too seldom.

We have multiplied our possessions, but lost our values.
We talk about too much, but rarely together.
We love too seldom and hate too often!
We know how to make a living,
but we have not the slightest idea how to live.

We have made our lives more years
but not our years of life.
We come to the moon,
but hardly up to the door of the neighbors.
We conquered outer space but not inner space us.
We constantly change our world and create great things;
We already do morning things differently than they were yesterday,
but we do it very rarely better!

Wir reinigen unsere Luft, aber unsere Seelen bleiben schmutzig.
Wir können Atome spalten, aber niemals aber unsere Vorurteile.
Wir schreiben mehr, doch wir wissen weniger.
Wir planen mehr, aber erreichen weniger.
Wir haben gelernt schnell zu sein und wir können kaum mehr warten.
Wir machen neue Computer, die noch mehr an Informationen zu speichern vermögen
und wir produzieren eine Unmenge von Kopien, aber wir communicate less and less.

It is a time of fast foods and slow digestion,
a time of great men and small character souls;
of easy profits and the difficult relations.
It is the time of the larger family income and the divorce,
a time of beautiful homes and destroyed home.
It is the time of quick trips, disposable, throwaway morality.
The relations for Nacht und eine Zeit der Pillen.

Sie können alles; sie vermögen uns zu erregen,
uns wieder zu beruhigen und sie töten uns.
Es ist die Zeit, in der es wichtiger ist, etwas im Schaufenster zu haben
und eine Zeit, in der moderne Technik einen Text wie diesen in Windeseile in die ganze Welt hinaus trägt. Wir können entscheiden, ob wir uns zum Nachdenken animieren lassen
und ob wir unser Leben verändern, oder aber diesen Text einfach löschen wollen.

And we can give our time to those who we love,
because they will not always be with us.
say a good word to those who look at you now full of confidence and full of enthusiasm
from below. Those k linen creatures will soon be grown and then
not for you.
Give the people next to you a silent embrace,
it is the only treasure by your heart and will cost you nothing.
say to a loved one that you love him and mean it!
A kiss and an embrace inherent strength to defeat evil
make up and this and that.
goes hand in hand and appreciate the moments when you are together,
because one day, the man who is now next to you,
not be by your side.

finds time to love you and find the time to talk.
Finding the time you have to say anything to share.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we,
but by the number of those moments that take our breath away;
both positive and negative sense.

attempts to dream, for preventing the dreams
that we are dull and tired.
lies in the dreams of hope
and hope can defeat the horror.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

France Free Graboid Tek Dek

condition report

Since Friday by the temperature rise (up to 12 ° C) much so wet, that no intense Drocknungsbemühungen more bear fruit. The Frankish and the Thuringian Forest (also Hülloch ) have since been completely flooded . With an improvement is unlikely to occur (according to weather forecast) in the coming days. That means go away or plastic. In Ticino, however probably looks quite good. Since is currently well rocked .
Nix offense ...

Difference In Real Boobs

When the ego runs amok ...

From sense and nonsense of the project status
(Thomas Crouch / January 2011)

The following lines are to be understood as a kind invitation to think and discuss. This paper is intended as an open approach possibilities and limits of sport climbing in a purely ethical perspective and in the first part of a subject-specific context to the issue of project status of climbing routes " . Make
The overriding question I want to test the validity of the so often practiced the principle of the right catalogers of a route to the first commission (commission free).

This all is not so dry I would try to represent with much practical experience and examples and to argue.
I will start with a dream that fascinates me for several years and has always recurring.
It begins on a warm summer evening. I leave my apartment and do a few steps into it very well-known forest area. I walk completely relaxed on a hillside. I did so many times here (outside of my dreams). And I know euch versichern hier gibt’s nur Buchen und nicht mal etwas, was aussieht wie ein Felsen. Doch im Traum ist ja alles anders. Ich wende meinen Blick links bergauf. Und plötzlich, was sehe ich? Den Perfekten Fels. Mein Fels. Den hab ich schon immer gesucht. Ich beschreibe ihn kurz, damit jedermann weis wie ich ticke. Er befindet sich fünf Gehminuten von meiner Wohnung entfernt, ist nordseitig ausgerichtet (wegen dem Grip), hängt nach allen Seiten stark über, 30 Meter hat er auch an Höhe, eine Boulderhöhle gibt’s dazu und ist mit den unglaublichsten Strukturen übersäht, die man sich nur vorstellen kann. Wahrlich ein Traum! Mein erster Gedanke: „Schnell und heimlich einbohren.“ Damit, wenn fertig, the masterpiece of the public may be present. My eyes draw the Lien on the rock. In no time I know already, how and where the routes are bleeding. There are over twenty ascents, the difficulties of going to open end. A familiar thought process is played out in my head. Everything is running only on the look out of line. A crazy dream! But then, what I see: Hook! No, that can and can not be. And there: Above left, a fixed rope. Then, suddenly drilling noises. Like a driven I go into the matter. My dream is a nightmare. The last thing I noticed in my dream is that I recognize my good friend Dirk and greet him warmly. He has the whole rock furnished, free of course, the best lines already.
The question that arises here for me is: Have I lost something or won something?
can this still make a lot of questions such as why concerns me something, I'm such a Egoschwein that I use in the dreams must, or must I always be the first and I can shine only when I use the others present something of no one knew? And anyway, why not Dirk Rastas more? And what he does in my dreams? No matter.
The reason my account has been anticipated to provide a basis of my question, fill them with content.

Who really belongs Rock? No one, all or individual? If the object of desire on private property, so the question is easily answered. But once we see it from the perspective of our "climbing community": ... and it happened that one came along by chance gleam through the leaves of the forest looked like a little rock. He drilled a the best lines and ready. That was it. Now there was only cobwebs yet. Day by day no one came to rescue the projects. Many others harbored interest tours just want to climb.
Now the question arises whether the development has the right to the tours to climb first. If so, how long? I also wonder if it makes up something, whether Karl Heinz or Klaus Dietrich there first high power. Of course, counter to turn that Karl Heinz had a lot of work to set up the tours. And then come Klaus and his cronies and rock the things the other way. Since it is more than obvious that Karl is stinky. Karl also had huge financial expenses. The hook he had been forced to absparen from the mouth.

If I'm honest to myself, I have to confess the following. Had anyone else my best tours climbed ahead of me, then I would have annoyed the specific to a degree. I would have annoyed me twice. One is that I have not climbed quickly, and for others I would have been annoyed at myself. About my ego. After all, what's wrong with that? Stay loose Mr. Crouch! I really love a drill tours. I'm looking like rocks and then the lines. I do the cleaning and set the hook fun. The taste of each "virgin" features. It is a great experience. The whole process until the first red dot is a brilliant experience. But it can not be too great to be part of that process different? For example, the climb of the tour. We try out the moves together and who puts together the puzzle first, the first ascent. I am so as catalogers already come at my expense. The whole process was a lot of fun. The English and French before us make it so. In which there are kein Projektstatus. Die bohren ein und probieren. Kommt ein stärkerer und würde die Tour gerne versuchen, dann ist das kein Problem. Ich selber bin noch nicht auf dieser Ebene angelangt. Aber gerne würde ich da hinkommen. Gerne würde ich irgendwann einfach den egoistischen Schnürsenkel (der immer sagt: Finger weg, das ist mein Revier) im ersten Haken weg lassen. Vielleicht helfen mir ja diese Zeilen dabei, dem einen Schritt näher zu kommen.
Meiner Meinung nach schadet eine solche egoistische Einstellung der Athleten der Progression unseres Sports. Denn was passiert, wenn die Erschließer Jahrelang auf ihren Projekten herum glucken. Zum einen gibt es keine Veränderung und das ist schlecht für den Sport. Zum anderen manifestiert is an ethical, what is no longer "appropriate", is frequented every year since our rock increases. Example: Bouldering in the Franconian Jura is in. Despite Boulder appeal know all the spots.
Ergo has an inhibitory effect on the status of the project integrated distribution and thus relieve the rocky landscape. Furthermore, there are beautiful lines, which, because project status can not be climbed. Perhaps there are tours that can set off a new difficulty level? Adam and Co. would come as already high. But our Karl Heinz tries since 5 years on the first three trains.
It is exactly this "egocentric" aspect that Karl Heinz the first three trains schon seit Jahren immer und immer wieder versucht, veranlasst mich dazu, über meine vorangegangene Argumentation stark nach zu denken. Hierbei eröffnet sich eine weitere Dimension: Respekt. Und zwar der Respekt vor 5 Jahren der Hartnäckigkeit. Was wäre das für ein Arschtritt, wenn dann einer kommt und dem Karl Heinz zeigt, wie es richtig gemacht wird.

Ich finde, dass das schon eine recht verzwickte Sache ist. Die mit dem eigenen Projekt. Ist es möglich, eine Lösung zu erarbeiten, die ohne wenn und aber auskommen kann?

Es wäre toll, wenn sich daraus ein Diskurs entwickeln kann. Was meint Ihr?

P.S. Alle Karl Heinze und Klaus Günter sollen sich nicht auf den Schlips getreten fühlen. The two are purely fictional characters.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Pushed In The Stomach

often comes unexpectedly ...

Well, what can you say? Actually was Hülloch last weekend rather the last resort. Other projects have priority. But we were just back home in Grangefield and after the New Year's Eve party with friends we had no more nerve to Franconia in the or elsewhere to chug along . So we went to good old Hülloch . Two whole Boulder I missed bi s date yet: a 8b traverse which is followed by a tough 7c + traverse of a bitter 8a bloc characterized (immediately drops out for me;)) and a + 8a bloc standing start. Both Boulder were committed before the first 1.5 years of Mark Hoppe and make difficult technical the end of the story in the Free State dar. My choice was the 8a + collectively called Graham . " Graham" was the then working title for this project. We always said: "This thing is so heavy that only Dave Graham there, continue up comes." Well ... The Boulder
characterized by a monstrous crux right at the beginning of . Man startet im Stehen an einem Henkel. Nun geht man mit links weit auf eine flache Schulterleiste im Dach und kreuzt mit rechts in einen kleinen Spalt, den man genau treffen muss. Ich verspanne die Füße im Dach und drehe flux die Schulterleiste mit links als Untergriff, um dann mit rechts weiter auf bessere Griffe zu schnappen . Danach gehts noch eine 7b raus. Im Endeffekt ist Graham eine geniale Dachlinie mit wahnsinns Bewegungssequenzen . Man kann auch noch einen 7b Sitzstart namens " Dave " dran hängen. Das ist bis jetzt noch nicht geklettert. Also ihr starken da draußen: Kommt und holt ihn euch den " Dave Graham ! "This commission yesterday I dedicate the way, my left shoulder, since the burning like fire.