Sunday, January 23, 2011

Restaurant With The White Paper Bag Hats

Hasta la vista baby

Conny Matthes climbs Terminator 8a/8a + bloc.

1999, I stood with my father, Eric the first time under the gechalkten traces in this monstrous roof. We both shook their head and could not imagine for the life that you can climb up there long.

"Auf gehts Roman! Ab in den Henkel!" Im November 2010 schleppen wir unsere holländischen Freunde Suzanne und Roman mit ans Terminatordach. Roman ist genauso heiß wie wir. Wir wollen Terminator probieren. Das ende vom Lied war, dass Roman das Ding nach drei Versuchen locker wegflockte und auf uns eine ganze Menge Arbeit wartete. Und so gingen wir unermüdlich ans Terminatordach. Den Weg nach Pottenstein findet mein Auto nun von alleine ;). Doch ab Jahresbeginn 2011 ging nix mehr. Das einsetzende Tauwetter und die damit verbundenen Bedingungen machten uns einen kräftigen Strich durch die Rechnung. Allerdings muss man dazu sagen, dass wir for some time in the Terminator, no significant progress more power. We always folded together in the last third of the Boulders . There was simply body tension.

The long spell of bad weather we stayed at the Bamberger Boulder area , where we have many Sloper - tried and Press Boulder. Then Connie had the idea of \u200b\u200bthe whole body isometric exercises with and to combine training antagonists. I never imagined how exhausting can be as little .

I think that yesterday Saturday the first day for three weeks (in Franken Jura), was where one could speak of good conditions. We put great emphasis on the warm up. We climbed the Traverse in different variations and were quite loose in the head. Then came the warm-up further in the Terminator. Conny could climb immediately the last third loose. For me, too. Then they made an attempt and fell on the last train to handle. After 15 minutes of rest could Conny finally climb through the roof and celebrate Terminator therefore its greatest success to date. I had to struggle I still want it then just before dark, I also succeeded. For me, a little dream came true.

Today we both had more grains in order to hang a old bag, the "Butthole Surfers " 7c + in Burggrub. Conny won the dessert nochdas classic " Atom Heart Mother " 7b in the second attempt. Such weekends for us all too often. But they are there ... Photos to follow.


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