Sunday, January 30, 2011

Low Less Header Meaning

The story of the heart

... that was the night wings and went on a journey to find happiness ...

There once was a little heart that nestled between the dreams, hopes, aspirations and fears his existence-ended - always looking for happiness.

a nice summer morning, put the little heart to his surprise finds that his wings - small transparent wings were grown. It flew quite timid at first, then faster and faster and finally picked it up and flew silently away to seek happiness. The dreams, hopes, aspirations and fears, it took on this trip, but it had the little heart to bear, of course, difficult. First it tried to get rid of the fears so. Like a balloon of ballast yields, it threw away his fears and then rose higher and higher to the sun. This was close enough to touch at a time.
The small Heart sought out a soft fluffy cloud to rest a little. It felt it had to bear the battered things are still difficult.
Whether I probably let the hopes here, thought the little heart. Or maybe the dreams? It chose the desires and let them stand on the cloud. To facilitate some, it continued its journey. Again, it was thinking of the happiness, the search was the object of his journey and silently glided past the sun, moon, clouds and stars on the little heart. On his trip, it also met some other hearts that were just loaded with ballast, like our little heart before and the not very happy three looked, but somehow seemed perplexed. Oh well, thought the little heart, what I care about the foreign heart.
in the Milky Way When it came by, decided to rest the little heart a little, for which he had remaining hopes and dreams to take not easy. When it had finally recovered a bit, decided to leave it to the hopes here and take only the dreams. Relieved was the little heart next to his own way. But on the way it was always sad. It had only dreams - dreams without hopes - dreams without desires. The
kleine Herz flog weiter, ziellos und unglücklich und nach einiger Zeit des rastlosen Umherfliegens beschloss es endlich wieder umzukehren. Auf dem Rückweg sammelte es die Hoffnungen, die Sehnsüchte und auch die Ängste wieder ein und setzte schwer beladen seinen Heimweg fort. Trotzdem das kleine Herz so schwer zu tragen hatte, flog es ganz leicht dahin und auf einmal wurde es ihm klar ! Es fiel ihm gar wie Schuppen von den Augen, dass es das Glück im Grunde schon die ganze Zeit über nahe bei sich gehabt hatte - dass es das Glück wegen seiner übergroßen Betrübnis nur nicht hatte erkennen können und das dass Glück eben nur dort bestehen kann, wo es Hoffnungen und Sehnsüchte - Are dreams and fears.
folded all the little heart still together his wings and thought, maybe I'll eventually need one to fly off the bad luck!


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