We have taller buildings, but shorter tempers, wider freeways
, but closer views.
We consume more but have less.
making more purchases, but have less joy.
We have bigger houses but smaller families;
more convenience but less time.
More training, but less sense,
more knowledge and less understanding.
more experts and more problems!
more medicine but less health;
especially less affordable healthcare for all.
We smoke too much and we drink too much.
irresponsible We spend a lot of money,
but we laugh a little and we go - We live in - too fast.
We get upset too quickly,
go to bed much too late - too tired to stand;
we read too little, watch TV too much and pray too seldom.
We have multiplied our possessions, but lost our values.
We talk about too much, but rarely together.
We love too seldom and hate too often!
We know how to make a living,
but we have not the slightest idea how to live.
We have made our lives more years
but not our years of life.
We come to the moon,
but hardly up to the door of the neighbors.
We conquered outer space but not inner space us.
We constantly change our world and create great things;
We already do morning things differently than they were yesterday,
but we do it very rarely better!
Wir reinigen unsere Luft, aber unsere Seelen bleiben schmutzig.
Wir können Atome spalten, aber niemals aber unsere Vorurteile.
Wir schreiben mehr, doch wir wissen weniger.
Wir planen mehr, aber erreichen weniger.
Wir haben gelernt schnell zu sein und wir können kaum mehr warten.
Wir machen neue Computer, die noch mehr an Informationen zu speichern vermögen
und wir produzieren eine Unmenge von Kopien, aber wir communicate less and less.
It is a time of fast foods and slow digestion,
a time of great men and small character souls;
of easy profits and the difficult relations.
It is the time of the larger family income and the divorce,
a time of beautiful homes and destroyed home.
It is the time of quick trips, disposable, throwaway morality.
The relations for Nacht und eine Zeit der Pillen.
Sie können alles; sie vermögen uns zu erregen,
uns wieder zu beruhigen und sie töten uns.
uns wieder zu beruhigen und sie töten uns.
Es ist die Zeit, in der es wichtiger ist, etwas im Schaufenster zu haben
und eine Zeit, in der moderne Technik einen Text wie diesen in Windeseile in die ganze Welt hinaus trägt. Wir können entscheiden, ob wir uns zum Nachdenken animieren lassen
und ob wir unser Leben verändern, oder aber diesen Text einfach löschen wollen.
und ob wir unser Leben verändern, oder aber diesen Text einfach löschen wollen.
And we can give our time to those who we love,
because they will not always be with us.
say a good word to those who look at you now full of confidence and full of enthusiasm
from below. Those k linen creatures will soon be grown and then
not for you.
from below. Those k linen creatures will soon be grown and then
not for you.
Give the people next to you a silent embrace,
it is the only treasure by your heart and will cost you nothing.
it is the only treasure by your heart and will cost you nothing.
say to a loved one that you love him and mean it!
A kiss and an embrace inherent strength to defeat evil
make up and this and that.
make up and this and that.
goes hand in hand and appreciate the moments when you are together,
because one day, the man who is now next to you,
not be by your side.
because one day, the man who is now next to you,
not be by your side.
finds time to love you and find the time to talk.
Finding the time you have to say anything to share.
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we,
but by the number of those moments that take our breath away;
both positive and negative sense.
attempts to dream, for preventing the dreams
that we are dull and tired.
lies in the dreams of hope
and hope can defeat the horror.
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